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10.110.010 - Officer defined. - RCW 10.110.010 Officer defined. For purposes of this chapter, "officer"...
10.110.020 - Individuals in custody for violent offense or sex offense—Officer to accompany or secure. - RCW 10.110.020 Individuals in custody for violent offense or sex...
10.110.030 - Individuals receiving medical care—Requirements for not being accompanied or secured. - RCW 10.110.030 Individuals receiving medical care—Requirements for not being accompanied...
10.110.040 - Treatment in hospital emergency department. - RCW 10.110.040 Treatment in hospital emergency department. In a case...
10.110.050 - Civil liability. - RCW 10.110.050 Civil liability. The provisions of chapter 267, Laws...
10.110.060 - No changes to standard of care—Restraints on pregnant women or youth. - RCW 10.110.060 No changes to standard of care—Restraints on pregnant...