Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.54 - Water Resources Act of 1971.
90.54.920 - Rights not impaired.

RCW 90.54.920
Rights not impaired.

(1) Nothing in this act shall affect or operate to impair any existing water rights.
(2) Nothing in this act shall be used to prevent future storage options, recognizing that storage may be necessary as a method of conserving water to meet both instream and out-of-stream needs.
(3) Nothing in this act shall infringe upon the rate-making prerogatives of any public water purveyor.
(4) Nothing in this act shall preclude the joint select committee on water resource policy from reviewing any subject matter contained herein for any future modifications.

[ 1989 c 348 § 3.]

Severability—1989 c 348: See note following RCW 90.54.020.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.54 - Water Resources Act of 1971.

90.54.005 - Findings—Objectives—2002 c 329.

90.54.010 - Purpose.

90.54.020 - General declaration of fundamentals for utilization and management of waters of the state.

90.54.030 - Water and related resources—Department to be advised—Water resources data program.

90.54.035 - State funding of water resource programs—Priorities.

90.54.040 - Comprehensive state water resources program—Modifying existing and adopting new regulations and statutes.

90.54.045 - Water resource planning—Pilot process—Report to the legislature.

90.54.050 - Setting aside or withdrawing waters—Rules—Consultation with legislative committees—Public hearing, notice—Review.

90.54.060 - Department to seek involvement of other persons and entities, means—Assistance grants.

90.54.080 - State to vigorously represent its interests before federal agencies, interstate agencies.

90.54.090 - State, local governments, municipal corporations to comply with chapter.

90.54.100 - Department to evaluate needs for projects and alternative methods of financing.

90.54.110 - Authority to secure and obtain benefits, including grants.

90.54.120 - "Department," "utilize," and "utilization" defined.

90.54.130 - Land use management policy modifications—Advisory recommendations.

90.54.140 - Protection of groundwater aquifers if sole drinking water source.

90.54.150 - Water supply projects—Cooperation with other agencies—Scope of participation.

90.54.160 - Department to report on dam safety.

90.54.170 - Electric generation facility—Evaluation of application to appropriate water.

90.54.180 - Water use efficiency and conservation programs and practices.

90.54.191 - Streamflow restoration a priority.

90.54.210 - Department shall act on water rights applications that rely on reservations of water established in WAC 173-518-080 or 173-545-090.

90.54.800 - Policy guidelines.

90.54.900 - Certain rights, authority, not to be affected by chapter.

90.54.910 - Short title.

90.54.920 - Rights not impaired.