Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.14 - Water Rights—Registration—Waiver and Relinquishment, Etc.
90.14.170 - Relinquishment of right for abandonment or failure to beneficially use without sufficient cause—Rights acquired due to ownership of land abutting stream, lake, or watercourse.

RCW 90.14.170
Relinquishment of right for abandonment or failure to beneficially use without sufficient cause—Rights acquired due to ownership of land abutting stream, lake, or watercourse.

Any person entitled to divert or withdraw waters of the state by virtue of his or her ownership of land abutting a stream, lake, or watercourse, who abandons the same, or who voluntarily fails, without sufficient cause, to beneficially use all or any part of said right to withdraw or divert said water for any period of five successive years after July 1, 1967, shall relinquish such right or portion thereof, and such right or portion thereof shall revert to the state, and the waters affected by said right shall become available for appropriation in accordance with the provisions of RCW 90.03.250.

[ 2013 c 23 § 608; 1967 c 233 § 17.]

Effective date—1967 c 233: See RCW 90.14.900.

Application to Yakima river basin trust water rights: RCW 90.38.040.

Availability for other uses qualified: RCW 90.14.160.

Implementation and enforcement of chapter—Application of RCW sections to specific proceedings: RCW 90.14.200.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.14 - Water Rights—Registration—Waiver and Relinquishment, Etc.

90.14.010 - Purpose.

90.14.020 - Legislative declaration.

90.14.031 - Definitions.

90.14.041 - Claim of right to withdraw, divert or use ground or surface waters—Filing statement of claim required—Exemptions.

90.14.043 - Claim of right to withdraw, divert or use ground or surface waters—Claim upon certification by board—Procedure—Cut-off date for accepting petitions.

90.14.044 - Existing water rights not impaired.

90.14.051 - Statement of claim—Contents—Short form.

90.14.061 - Statement of claim—Filing procedure—Processing of claim—Fee.

90.14.065 - Statement of claim—Amendment—Surface water right claim change or transfer—Review of department of ecology's determination.

90.14.068 - Statement of claim—New filing period.

90.14.071 - Failure to file claim waives and relinquishes right.

90.14.081 - Filing of claim not deemed adjudication of right—Prima facie evidence.

90.14.091 - Definitions—Water rights notice—Form.

90.14.101 - Notice of chapter provisions—How given—Requirements.

90.14.111 - Water rights claims registry.

90.14.121 - Penalty for overstating claim.

90.14.130 - Reversion of rights to state due to nonuse—Notice by order—Relinquishment determinations—Appeal.

90.14.140 - "Sufficient cause" for nonuse defined—Rights exempted.

90.14.150 - Rights arising from permit to withdraw public waters not affected—Extensions.

90.14.160 - Relinquishment of right for abandonment or failure to beneficially use without sufficient cause—Prior rights acquired through appropriation, custom or general adjudication.

90.14.170 - Relinquishment of right for abandonment or failure to beneficially use without sufficient cause—Rights acquired due to ownership of land abutting stream, lake, or watercourse.

90.14.180 - Relinquishment of right for abandonment or failure to beneficially use without sufficient cause—Future rights acquired through appropriation.

90.14.190 - Water resources decisions—Appeals—Attorneys' fees.

90.14.200 - Implementation and enforcement of chapter—Proceedings under RCW 90.14.130 deemed adjudicative—Application of RCW sections to specific proceedings.

90.14.210 - Chapter applies to all rights to withdraw groundwaters.

90.14.215 - Chapter not applicable to trust water rights under chapter 90.38 or 90.42 RCW.

90.14.220 - No rights to be acquired by prescription or adverse use.

90.14.230 - Rules and regulations.

90.14.240 - Water rights tracking system account.

90.14.900 - Effective date—1967 c 233.

90.14.910 - Severability—1967 c 233.