Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 81.53 - Railroads—Crossings.
81.53.050 - Requirements of order on change of route.

RCW 81.53.050
Requirements of order on change of route.

If the commission finds and determines that a change in route of an existing highway, or vacation of a portion thereof, is necessary or advisable, it shall further find and determine what private property or property rights it is necessary to take, damage, or injuriously affect for the purpose of constructing the highway along a new route, and what private property or property rights, will be affected by the proposed vacation of a portion of an existing highway. The property and property rights found necessary to be taken, damaged, or affected shall be described in the findings with reasonable accuracy. In any action brought to acquire the right to take or damage any such property or property rights, the findings of the commission shall be conclusive as to the necessity therefor. A copy of the findings shall be served upon all parties to the cause.

[ 1961 c 14 § 81.53.050. Prior: 1955 c 310 § 5; 1937 c 22 § 1, part; 1913 c 30 § 3, part; RRS § 10513, part. Formerly RCW 81.52.120.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 81 - Transportation

Chapter 81.53 - Railroads—Crossings.

81.53.010 - Definitions.

81.53.020 - Grade separation required where practicable.

81.53.030 - Petition for crossing—Hearing—Order.

81.53.040 - Supplemental hearing—Change of route.

81.53.050 - Requirements of order on change of route.

81.53.060 - Petition for alteration of crossing—Closure of grade crossing without hearing.

81.53.070 - Hearing.

81.53.080 - Restrictions on structures, railway equipment, in proximity of crossings—Minimum clearance for under-crossings.

81.53.090 - Duty to maintain crossings.

81.53.100 - Cost when railroad crosses highway.

81.53.110 - Cost when highway crosses railroad.

81.53.120 - Cost when railroad crosses railroad.

81.53.130 - Apportionment of cost.

81.53.140 - Time for performance.

81.53.150 - Practice and procedure.

81.53.160 - Service of process.

81.53.170 - Judicial review.

81.53.180 - Eminent domain.

81.53.190 - Abatement of illegal crossings.

81.53.200 - Mandamus to compel performance.

81.53.210 - Penalty.

81.53.220 - Obstructions in highways.

81.53.230 - No new right of action conferred.

81.53.240 - Scope of chapter.

81.53.250 - Employment of experts.

81.53.261 - Crossing signals, warning devices—Petition—Hearing—Order—Costs apportionment—Records not evidence for actions—Appeal.

81.53.271 - Crossing signals, warning devices—Petition contents—Apportionment of installation and maintenance costs.

81.53.275 - Crossing signals, warning devices—Apportionment when funds not available from grade crossing protective fund.

81.53.281 - Crossing signals, warning devices—Grade crossing protective fund—Use and transfer of funds—Allocation of costs—Procedure—Federal funding.

81.53.291 - Crossing signals, warning devices—Operational scope—Election by first-class cities—Procedure.

81.53.295 - Crossing signals, warning devices, etc.—Federal funds used to pay installation costs—Grade crossing protective fund—State and local authorities to pay remaining installation costs—Railroad to pay maintenance costs.

81.53.400 - Traffic control devices during construction, repair, etc. of crossing or overpass—Required.

81.53.410 - Traffic control devices during construction, repair, etc. of crossing or overpass—Standards and conditions.

81.53.420 - Traffic control devices during construction, repair, etc. of crossing or overpass—Rules.

81.53.430 - Safety standards for private crossings along railroad tracks over which crude oil is transported—Adoption of rules.

81.53.900 - Effective date—1975 1st ex.s. c 189.