Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 74.04 - General Provisions—Administration.
74.04.200 - Standards—Established, enforced.

RCW 74.04.200
Standards—Established, enforced.

It shall be the duty of the department of social and health services to establish statewide standards which may vary by geographical areas to govern the granting of assistance in the several categories of this title and it shall have power to compel compliance with such standards as a condition to the receipt of state and federal funds by counties for social security purposes.

[ 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 4; 1981 c 8 § 4; 1979 c 141 § 302; 1959 c 26 § 74.04.200. Prior: 1939 c 216 § 14; RRS § 10007-114a.]

Effective date—Severability—1981 1st ex.s. c 6: See notes following RCW 74.04.005.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 74 - Public Assistance

Chapter 74.04 - General Provisions—Administration.

74.04.004 - Definitions—Fraud and abuse.

74.04.005 - Definitions—Eligibility.

74.04.00511 - Limitations on "resource" and "income."

74.04.0052 - Teen applicants' living situation—Criteria—Presumption—Protective payee—Adoption referral.

74.04.006 - Contract of sale of property—Availability as a resource or income—Establishment.

74.04.011 - Secretary's authority—Personnel.

74.04.012 - Office of fraud and accountability.

74.04.014 - Office of fraud and accountability—Authority—Confidentiality.

74.04.015 - Administration and disbursement of federal funds—Public assistance—Medical services programs.

74.04.025 - Bilingual services for non-English-speaking applicants and recipients—Bilingual personnel, when—Primary language pamphlets and written materials.

74.04.033 - Notification of availability of basic health plan.

74.04.040 - Public assistance a joint federal, state, and county function—Notice required.

74.04.050 - Department to administer certain public assistance programs—Authority to administer medical services programs.

74.04.055 - Cooperation with federal government—Construction—Conflict with federal requirements.

74.04.057 - Promulgation of rules and regulations to qualify for federal funds.

74.04.060 - Records, confidential—Exceptions—Penalty.

74.04.062 - Disclosure of recipient location to police officer or immigration official.

74.04.070 - County office—Administrator.

74.04.080 - County administrator—Personnel—Bond.

74.04.180 - Joint county administration.

74.04.200 - Standards—Established, enforced.

74.04.205 - Simplified reporting for the food stamp program.

74.04.210 - Basis of allocation of moneys to counties.

74.04.225 - Opportunity portal—Access to available services facilitated—Report to legislature and governor.

74.04.230 - Medical care services benefits—Mental health services.

74.04.265 - Earnings—Deductions from grants.

74.04.266 - Aged, blind, or disabled assistance—Medical care services—Earned income exemption to be established for unemployable persons.

74.04.280 - Assistance nontransferable and exempt from process.

74.04.290 - Subpoena of witnesses, books, records, etc.

74.04.300 - Recovery of payments improperly received—Lien—Recipient reporting requirements.

74.04.310 - Authority to accept contributions.

74.04.330 - Annual reports by assistance organizations—Penalty.

74.04.340 - Federal surplus commodities—Certification of persons eligible to receive commodities.

74.04.350 - Federal surplus commodities—Not to be construed as public assistance, eligibility not affected.

74.04.360 - Federal surplus commodities—Certification deemed administrative expense of department.

74.04.370 - Federal surplus commodities—County program, expenses, handling of commodities.

74.04.380 - Federal and other surplus food commodities—Agreements—Personnel—Facilities—Cooperation with other agencies—Discontinuance of program.

74.04.385 - Unlawful practices relating to surplus commodities—Penalty.

74.04.480 - Educational leaves of absence for personnel.

74.04.500 - Food stamp program—Authorized.

74.04.510 - Food stamp program—Rules.

74.04.515 - Food stamp program—Discrimination prohibited.

74.04.520 - Food stamp program—Confidentiality.

74.04.535 - Food stamp employment and training program.

74.04.541 - Supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits—Distribution dates.

74.04.600 - Supplemental security income program—Purpose.

74.04.610 - Supplemental security income program—Termination of federal financial assistance payments—Supersession by supplemental security income program.

74.04.620 - State supplement to national program of supplemental security income—Authorized—Reimbursement of interim assistance, attorneys' fees.

74.04.630 - State supplementation to national program of supplemental security income—Contractual agreements with federal government.

74.04.635 - State supplement to national program of supplemental security income—World War II Philippine veterans.

74.04.640 - Acceptance of referrals for vocational rehabilitation—Reimbursement.

74.04.650 - Individuals failing to comply with federal requirements.

74.04.655 - Vocational rehabilitation—Assessment, referral.

74.04.657 - Veterans' benefits—Assessment for eligibility.

74.04.658 - Military service benefits—Referral to Washington department of veterans affairs.

74.04.660 - Family emergency assistance program—Extension of benefits during state of emergency.

74.04.670 - Long-term care services—Eligibility.

74.04.680 - Cash benefits in final month of eligibility.

74.04.750 - Reporting requirements—Food stamp allotments and rent or housing subsidies, consideration as income.

74.04.760 - Minimum amount of monthly assistance payments.

74.04.770 - Consolidated standards of need—Rateable reductions—Grant maximums.

74.04.790 - Supplementary program—Reimbursement for employees being victims of assault.

74.04.800 - Incarcerated parents—Policies to encourage family contact and engagement.

74.04.805 - Essential needs and housing support eligibility.

74.04.815 - Military dependents—Home and community-based services programs.

74.04.820 - Victims of human trafficking eligibility.

74.04.900 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.