RCW 26.52.060
Fees not permitted for filing, preparation, or copies.
A public agency may not charge a fee for filing or preparation of certified, authenticated, or exemplified copies to a person entitled to protection who seeks relief under this chapter or to a foreign prosecutor or a foreign law enforcement agency seeking to enforce a protection order entered by a Washington court. A person entitled to protection and foreign prosecutors or law enforcement agencies must be provided the necessary number of certified, authenticated, or exemplified copies at no cost.
[ 1999 c 184 § 8.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 26.52 - Foreign Protection Order Full Faith and Credit Act.
26.52.020 - Foreign protection orders—Validity.
26.52.030 - Foreign protection orders—Filing—Assistance.
26.52.050 - Peace officer immunity.
26.52.060 - Fees not permitted for filing, preparation, or copies.
26.52.070 - Violation of foreign orders—Penalties.