Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 18.04 - Accountancy.
18.04.295 - Actions against CPA license.

RCW 18.04.295
Actions against CPA license.

The board shall have the power to: Revoke, suspend, or refuse to issue, renew, or reinstate a license; impose a fine in an amount not to exceed thirty thousand dollars plus the board's investigative and legal costs in bringing charges against a certified public accountant, a licensee, a licensed firm, an applicant, a non-CPA violating the provisions of RCW 18.04.345, or a nonlicensee holding an ownership interest in a licensed firm; may impose full restitution to injured parties; may impose conditions precedent to renewal of a license; or may prohibit a nonlicensee from holding an ownership interest in a licensed firm, for any of the following causes:
(1) Fraud or deceit in obtaining a license, or in any filings with the board;
(2) Dishonesty, fraud, or negligence while representing oneself as a nonlicensee owner holding an ownership interest in a licensed firm or a licensee;
(3) A violation of any provision of this chapter;
(4) A violation of a rule of professional conduct promulgated by the board under the authority granted by this chapter;
(5) Conviction of a crime or an act constituting a crime under:
(a) The laws of this state;
(b) The laws of another state, and which, if committed within this state, would have constituted a crime under the laws of this state; or
(c) Federal law;
(6) Cancellation, revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew the authority to practice as a certified public accountant by any other state for any cause other than failure to pay a fee or to meet the requirements of CPE in the other state;
(7) Suspension or revocation of the right to practice matters relating to public accounting before any state or federal agency;
For purposes of subsections (6) and (7) of this section, a certified copy of such revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew shall be prima facie evidence;
(8) Failure to maintain compliance with the requirements for issuance, renewal, or reinstatement of a license, or to report changes to the board;
(9) Failure to cooperate with the board by:
(a) Failure to furnish any papers or documents requested or ordered by the board;
(b) Failure to furnish in writing a full and complete explanation covering the matter contained in the complaint filed with the board or the inquiry of the board;
(c) Failure to respond to subpoenas issued by the board, whether or not the recipient of the subpoena is the accused in the proceeding;
(10) Failure by a nonlicensee owner of a licensed firm to comply with the requirements of this chapter or board rule; and
(11) Failure to comply with an order of the board.

[ 2022 c 85 § 11; 2004 c 159 § 4; 2003 c 290 § 3; 2001 c 294 § 14; 2000 c 171 § 1; 1992 c 103 § 11; 1986 c 295 § 11; 1983 c 234 § 12.]

Effective date—2001 c 294: See note following RCW 18.04.015.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 18 - Businesses and Professions

Chapter 18.04 - Accountancy.

18.04.015 - Purpose.

18.04.025 - Definitions.

18.04.035 - Board of accountancy—Members—Terms—Vacancies—Removal.

18.04.045 - Board—Officers and staff—Powers and duties.

18.04.055 - Board—Rules.

18.04.065 - Board—Fees—Disposition.

18.04.080 - Compensation and travel expenses of members.

18.04.105 - Issuance of license—Requirements—Examination—Fees—Certified public accountants' account—Valid certificates previously issued under chapter—Continuing professional education—Inactive license designation—Applications to activate.

18.04.180 - Reciprocity.

18.04.183 - Accountants from foreign countries.

18.04.185 - Application for license—Secretary of state agent for service of process.

18.04.195 - License required—Requirements—Application—Fees.

18.04.205 - Registration of offices—Requirements—Rules—Fees.

18.04.215 - Licenses—Issuance—Renewal and reinstatement—Continuing professional education—Fees—Notification of sanction/suspension/revocation of license.

18.04.295 - Actions against CPA license.

18.04.305 - Actions against firm license.

18.04.320 - Actions against license—Procedures.

18.04.335 - Reissuance or modification of suspension of license.

18.04.345 - Prohibited practices.

18.04.350 - Practices not prohibited.

18.04.360 - Practices may be enjoined.

18.04.370 - Penalty.

18.04.380 - Advertising falsely—Effect.

18.04.390 - Papers, records, schedules, etc., property of the licensee or licensed firm—Prohibited practices—Rights of client.

18.04.405 - Confidential information—Disclosure, when—Subpoenas.

18.04.430 - License suspension—Noncompliance with support order—Reissuance.

18.04.910 - Effective date—1983 c 234.

18.04.911 - Effective date—1986 c 295.

18.04.920 - Short title.