Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 17.21 - Washington Pesticide Application Act.
17.21.132 - License, certification—Applications—Expiration dates.

RCW 17.21.132
License, certification—Applications—Expiration dates.

Any person applying for a license or certification authorized under the provisions of this chapter shall file an application on a form prescribed by the director.
(1) The application shall state the license or certification and the classification(s) for which the applicant is applying and the method in which the pesticides are to be applied.
(2) For all classes of licenses except private applicator, limited private applicator, and rancher private applicator, all applicants shall be at least eighteen years of age on the date that the application is made. Applicants for a private applicator, limited private applicator, or rancher private applicator license shall be at least sixteen years of age on the date that the application is made.
(3) Application for a license to apply pesticides shall be accompanied by the required fee. No license may be issued until the required fee has been received by the department.
(4) Each classification of license issued under this chapter except the limited private applicator and the rancher private applicator expires annually on a date set by rule by the director. Limited and rancher private applicator licenses expire on the fifth December 31st after issuance. Renewal applications shall be filed on or before the applicable expiration date.

[ 2004 c 100 § 4; 1997 c 242 § 16; 1994 c 283 § 16; 1991 c 109 § 35; 1989 c 380 § 44.]

Effective date—2004 c 100: See note following RCW 17.21.020.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 17 - Weeds, Rodents, and Pests

Chapter 17.21 - Washington Pesticide Application Act.

17.21.010 - Declaration of police power and purpose.

17.21.020 - Definitions.

17.21.030 - Director's authority—Rules.

17.21.040 - Rules subject to administrative procedure act.

17.21.050 - Hearings—Administrative procedure act.

17.21.060 - Subpoenas—Witness fees.

17.21.065 - Classification of licenses.

17.21.070 - Commercial pesticide applicator license—Requirements.

17.21.080 - Commercial pesticide applicator license—Application—Form.

17.21.091 - Commercial pesticide applicator license—Persons who may apply under license authority.

17.21.100 - Recordkeeping by licensees and agricultural users.

17.21.110 - Commercial pesticide operator license—Requirements.

17.21.122 - Private-commercial pesticide applicator license—Requirements.

17.21.126 - Private applicator, limited private applicator, or rancher private applicator—Requirements—Application for license—Fees.

17.21.128 - Renewal of certificate or license—Recertification standards.

17.21.129 - Demonstration and research license—Fees—Requirements.

17.21.130 - Revocation, suspension, or denial.

17.21.132 - License, certification—Applications—Expiration dates.

17.21.134 - Licenses—Examination requirements—Fees.

17.21.140 - Renewal—Delinquency.

17.21.150 - Violation of chapter—Unlawful acts.

17.21.160 - Commercial pesticide applicator license—Financial responsibility.

17.21.170 - Commercial pesticide applicator license—Amount of bond or insurance required—Notice of reduction or cancellation by surety or insurer.

17.21.180 - Commercial pesticide applicator license—Suspension of license for failure to meet financial responsibility criteria.

17.21.190 - Damages due to use or application of pesticide—Report of loss required.

17.21.200 - Commercial pesticide applicator license—Exemptions.

17.21.203 - Government research personnel—Requirements.

17.21.220 - Application of chapter to governmental entities—Public operator license required—Exemption—Liability.

17.21.280 - Disposition of revenue, enforcement of chapter—Pesticide safety education program—Fee—District court fees, fines, penalties, and forfeitures.

17.21.290 - Pesticide application apparatuses—License plate as identification.

17.21.300 - Agreements with other governmental entities.

17.21.305 - Licensing by cities of first class and counties.

17.21.310 - General penalty.

17.21.315 - Civil penalty for failure to comply with chapter.

17.21.320 - Access to public or private premises—Search warrants—Prosecuting attorney's duties—Injunctions.

17.21.340 - Violation of chapter—Remedies.

17.21.350 - Report to legislature.

17.21.400 - Landscape or right-of-way applications—Notice.

17.21.410 - Landscape applications—Marking of property, posting requirements.

17.21.415 - Schools—Policies and methods—Notification—Records—Liability.

17.21.420 - Pesticide-sensitive individuals—List procedure.

17.21.430 - Pesticide-sensitive individuals—Notification.

17.21.440 - Agricultural workers and handlers of agricultural pesticides—Coordination of regulation and enforcement with department of labor and industries.

17.21.445 - Protection of pollinator health—Report to the legislature.

17.21.900 - Preexisting liabilities not affected.

17.21.920 - Short title.