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§ 15A-941 - Arraignment before judge only upon written request; entry of not guilty plea if not arraigned. - 15A-941. Arraignment before judge only upon written request; entry of...
§ 15A-942 - Right to counsel. - 15A-942. Right to counsel. If the defendant appears at the...
§ 15A-943 - Arraignment in superior court Required calendaring. - 15A-943. Arraignment in superior court -Required calendaring. (a) In counties...
§ 15A-944 - Arraignment in superior court Optional calendaring. - 15A-944. Arraignment in superior court - Optional calendaring. In counties...
§ 15A-945 - Waiver of arraignment. - 15A-945. Waiver of arraignment. A defendant who is represented by...