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§ 15A-601 - First appearance before a district court judge; consolidation of first appearance before magistrate and before district court judge; first appearance before clerk of superior court. - 15A-601. First appearance before a district court judge; consolidation of...
§ 15A-602 - Warning of right against self-incrimination. - 15A-602. Warning of right against self-incrimination. Except when he is...
§ 15A-603 - Assuring defendant's right to counsel. - 15A-603. Assuring defendant's right to counsel. (a) The judge must...
§ 15A-604 - Determination of sufficiency of charge. - 15A-604. Determination of sufficiency of charge. (a) The judge must...
§ 15A-605 - Additional proceedings at first appearance before judge. - 15A-605. Additional proceedings at first appearance before judge. The judge...
§ 15A-606 - Demand or waiver of probable-cause hearing. - 15A-606. Demand or waiver of probable-cause hearing. (a) The judge...