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§ 120-4.8 - Definitions. - 120-4.8. Definitions. The following words and phrases as used in...
§ 120-4.9 - Retirement system established. - 120-4.9. Retirement system established. A Retirement System is established and...
§ 120-4.10 - Administration of retirement system. - 120-4.10. Administration of retirement system. The Board of Trustees of...
§ 120-4.11 - Membership. - 120-4.11. Membership. The following members of the General Assembly and...
§ 120-4.12 - Creditable service. - 120-4.12. Creditable service. (a) Creditable service at retirement consists of...
§ 120-4.12A - Reciprocity of creditable service with other state-administered retirement systems. - 120-4.12A. Reciprocity of creditable service with other state-administered retirement systems....
§ 120-4.13 - Transfer of membership and benefits. - 120-4.13. Transfer of membership and benefits. (a) The Board of...
§ 120-4.14 - Purchase of prior service. - 120-4.14. Purchase of prior service. Purchase of prior service rendered...
§ 120-4.15 - Repayment of contributions. - 120-4.15. Repayment of contributions. (a) On or before December 31,...
§ 120-4.16 - Repayments and purchases. - 120-4.16. Repayments and purchases. (a) All repayments and purchases of...
§ 120-4.17 - Assets of retirement system. - 120-4.17. Assets of retirement system. (a) All of the assets...
§ 120-4.18 - Management of funds. - 120-4.18. Management of funds. The Board of Trustees shall manage...
§ 120-4.19 - Contributions by the members. - 120-4.19. Contributions by the members. Effective upon convening of the...
§ 120-4.20 - Contributions by the State. - 120-4.20. Contributions by the State. (a) Effective upon convening of...
§ 120-4.21 - Service retirement benefits. - 120-4.21. Service retirement benefits. (a) Eligibility; Application. - Any member...
§ 120-4.22 - Disability retirement benefits. - 120-4.22. Disability retirement benefits. (a) Eligibility; Application. - Upon application...
§ 120-4.22A - Post-retirement increases in allowances. - 120-4.22A. Post-retirement increases in allowances. (a) Retired members and beneficiaries...
§ 120-4.23 - Reexamination for disability retirement allowance. - 120-4.23. Reexamination for disability retirement allowance. Any disability retiree who...
§ 120-4.24 - Return to membership of former member. - 120-4.24. Return to membership of former member. If a retired...
§ 120-4.25 - Return of accumulated contributions. - 120-4.25. Return of accumulated contributions. If a member ceases to...
§ 120-4.26 - Benefit payment options. - 120-4.26. Benefit payment options. Any member may elect to receive...
§ 120-4.26A - Benefits on death after retirement. - 120-4.26A. Benefits on death after retirement. In the event of...
§ 120-4.27 - Death benefit. - 120-4.27. Death benefit. The designated beneficiary of a member who...
§ 120-4.28 - Survivor's alternate benefit. - 120-4.28. Survivor's alternate benefit. The designated beneficiary of a member...
§ 120-4.29 - Exemption from garnishment, attachment. - 120-4.29. Exemption from garnishment, attachment. Except for the applications of...
§ 120-4.30 - Termination or partial termination; discontinuance of contributions. - 120-4.30. Termination or partial termination; discontinuance of contributions. In the...
§ 120-4.31 - Internal Revenue Code compliance. - 120-4.31. Internal Revenue Code compliance. (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions...
§ 120-4.32 - Deduction for payments allowed. - 120-4.32. Deduction for payments allowed. (a) Any beneficiary who is...
§ 120-4.33 - Forfeiture of retirement benefits for certain felonies. - 120-4.33. Forfeiture of retirement benefits for certain felonies. (a) Except...
§ 120-4.33A - Forfeiture of retirement benefits for certain felonies related to employment or holding office. - 120-4.33A. Forfeiture of retirement benefits for certain felonies related to...
§ 120-4.33B - Prohibition on purchase of forfeited service. - 120-4.33B. Prohibition on purchase of forfeited service. Any member whose...
§ 120-4.34 - Improper receipt of decedent's retirement allowance. - 120-4.34. Improper receipt of decedent's retirement allowance. A person is...