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§ 115C-407.5 - Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. - 115C-407.5. Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. The...
§ 115C-407.6 - Creation of a State Council. - 115C-407.6. Creation of a State Council. The State Board of...
§ 115C-407.7 - Appointment of compact commissioner. - 115C-407.7. Appointment of compact commissioner. As required by Article VIII...
§ 115C-407.8 - Effective date of compact. - 115C-407.8. Effective date of compact. This Article becomes effective July...
§ 115C-407.12 - Educational opportunities for children of National Guard and Reserve members not in active duty status. - 115C-407.12: Reserved for future codification purposes.