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§ 106-304 - Proclamation of livestock and poultry quarantine. - 106-304. Proclamation of livestock and poultry quarantine. Upon the recommendation...
§ 106-305 - Proclamation of infected feedstuff quarantine. - 106-305. Proclamation of infected feedstuff quarantine. Upon the recommendation of...
§ 106-306 - Rules to enforce quarantine. - 106-306. Rules to enforce quarantine. Upon such proclamation being made,...
§ 106-307 - Violation of proclamation or rules. - 106-307. Violation of proclamation or rules. Any person, firm, or...
§ 106-307.1 - Serums, vaccines, etc., for control of animal diseases. - 106-307.1. Serums, vaccines, etc., for control of animal diseases. The...
§ 106-307.2 - Reports of infectious disease in livestock and poultry to State Veterinarian. - 106-307.2. Reports of infectious disease in livestock and poultry to...
§ 106-307.3 - Quarantine of infected or inoculated livestock. - 106-307.3. Quarantine of infected or inoculated livestock. Hog cholera and...
§ 106-307.4 - Quarantine of inoculated poultry. - 106-307.4. Quarantine of inoculated poultry. All poultry that are inoculated...
§ 106-307.5 - Livestock and poultry brought into State. - 106-307.5. Livestock and poultry brought into State. All livestock and...
§ 106-307.6 - Violation made misdemeanor. - 106-307.6. Violation made misdemeanor. Any person, firm or corporation who...
§ 106-307.7 - Diseased livestock running at large. - 106-307.7. Diseased livestock running at large. Whenever the State Veterinarian...
§ 106-308 - Appropriation to combat animal and fowl diseases. - 106-308. Appropriation to combat animal and fowl diseases. If the...
§ 106-309 - Disposition of surplus funds. - 106-309. Disposition of surplus funds. If said disease shall have...
§ 106-310 - Burial of hogs dying natural death required. - 106-310. Burial of hogs dying natural death required. It shall...
§ 106-311 - Hogs affected with cholera to be segregated and confined. - 106-311. Hogs affected with cholera to be segregated and confined....
§ 106-312 - Shipping hogs from cholera-infected territory. - 106-312. Shipping hogs from cholera-infected territory. It shall be unlawful...
§ 106-313 - Price of serum to be fixed. - 106-313. Price of serum to be fixed. The Department of...
§ 106-314 - Manufacture and use of serum and virus restricted. - 106-314. Manufacture and use of serum and virus restricted. It...
§ 106-315 - Written permit from State Veterinarian for sale, use or distribution of hog-cholera virus, etc. - 106-315. Written permit from State Veterinarian for sale, use or...
§ 106-316 - Counties authorized to purchase and supply serum. - 106-316. Counties authorized to purchase and supply serum. If the...
§ 106-316.1 - Purpose of §§ to 106-316.5. - 106-316.1. Purpose of 106-316.1 to 106-316.5. It is the purpose...
§ 106-316.2 - Use of virulent hog-cholera virus prohibited without permit; virulent hog-cholera virus defined; use of modified live virus vaccines. - 106-316.2. Use of virulent hog-cholera virus prohibited without permit; virulent...
§ 106-316.3 - Unlawful to import hogs inoculated with virulent virus; exceptions for immediate slaughter; health certificate and permit required. - 106-316.3. Unlawful to import hogs inoculated with virulent virus; exceptions...
§ 106-316.4 - Penalties for violation of §§ 106-316.1 to 106-316.5. - 106-316.4. Penalties for violation of 106-316.1 to 106-316.5. Any person,...
§ 106-317 - Regulation of the transportation or importation of hogs and other livestock into State. - 106-317. Regulation of the transportation or importation of hogs and...
§ 106-318 - Issuance of health certificates for swine and livestock; inspection. - 106-318. Issuance of health certificates for swine and livestock; inspection....
§ 106-319 - Burial of hogs and other livestock dying in transit. - 106-319. Burial of hogs and other livestock dying in transit....
§ 106-321 - Penalties for violation. - 106-321. Penalties for violation. Any person, firm or corporation who...
§ 106-322 - Effect of §§ 106-317 to . - 106-322. Effect of 106-317 to 106-322. Sections 106-317 to 106-322...
§ 106-322.1 - State-federal hog-cholera cooperative agreements; establishment of hog-cholera eradication areas. - 106-322.1. State-federal hog-cholera cooperative agreements; establishment of hog-cholera eradication areas....
§ 106-322.2 - Destruction of swine affected with or exposed to hog cholera; indemnity payments. - 106-322.2. Destruction of swine affected with or exposed to hog...
§ 106-322.3 - When indemnity payments not to be made. - 106-322.3. When indemnity payments not to be made. No payments...
§ 106-323 - State to pay part of value of animals killed on account of disease; purchase by State of animals exposed to certain diseases. - 106-323. State to pay part of value of animals killed...
§ 106-324 - Appraisal of cattle affected with Bang's disease and tuberculosis. - 106-324. Appraisal of cattle affected with Bang's disease and tuberculosis....
§ 106-325 - Appraisal of animals affected with glanders; report. - 106-325. Appraisal of animals affected with glanders; report. Animals affected...
§ 106-326 - Report of appraisal of cattle affected with Bang's disease and tuberculosis to State Veterinarian; contents. - 106-326. Report of appraisal of cattle affected with Bang's disease...
§ 106-327 - Marketing of cattle affected with Bang's disease and tuberculosis. - 106-327. Marketing of cattle affected with Bang's disease and tuberculosis....
§ 106-328 - Report on salvage. - 106-328. Report on salvage. When the appraised cattle have been...
§ 106-329 - Compensation when killing ordered. - 106-329. Compensation when killing ordered. Compensation for animals destroyed on...
§ 106-330 - Ownership of destroyed animals; outstanding liens. - 106-330. Ownership of destroyed animals; outstanding liens. When animals have...
§ 106-331 - State not to pay for feed of animals ordered killed. - 106-331. State not to pay for feed of animals ordered...
§ 106-332 - Disinfection of stockyards by owners. - 106-332. Disinfection of stockyards by owners. Stockyards, pens, cars, vessels...
§ 106-333 - Payments made only on certain conditions. - 106-333. Payments made only on certain conditions. No payments shall...
§ 106-334 - Owner's claim for indemnity supported by reports. - 106-334. Owner's claim for indemnity supported by reports. The owner...
§ 106-335 - State Veterinarian to carry out provisions of Article; how moneys paid out. - 106-335. State Veterinarian to carry out provisions of Article; how...
§ 106-336 - Animals reacting to tuberculin test. - 106-336. Animals reacting to tuberculin test. All animals reacting to...
§ 106-337 - Animals to be branded. - 106-337. Animals to be branded. All veterinarians who, either by...
§ 106-338 - Quarantine; removal or sale; sale and use of milk. - 106-338. Quarantine; removal or sale; sale and use of milk....
§ 106-339 - Seller liable in civil action. - 106-339. Seller liable in civil action. Any person or persons...
§ 106-340 - Responsibility of owner of premises where sale is made. - 106-340. Responsibility of owner of premises where sale is made....
§ 106-341 - Sale of tuberculin. - 106-341. Sale of tuberculin. No person, firm, or corporation shall...
§ 106-342 - Notice to owner of suspected animals; quarantine. - 106-342. Notice to owner of suspected animals; quarantine. When the...
§ 106-343 - Appropriations by counties; elections. - 106-343. Appropriations by counties; elections. The several boards of county...
§ 106-344 - Petition for election if commissioners refuse cooperation; order; effect. - 106-344. Petition for election if commissioners refuse cooperation; order; effect....
§ 106-345 - Importation of cattle. - 106-345. Importation of cattle. Whenever a county board shall cooperate...
§ 106-346 - Amount of appropriation. - 106-346. Amount of appropriation. When cooperative tuberculosis eradication shall be...
§ 106-347 - Qualified veterinarian. - 106-347. Qualified veterinarian. The words "qualified veterinarian" which appear in...
§ 106-348 - Rules and regulations. - 106-348. Rules and regulations. The Commissioner of Agriculture, by and...
§ 106-349 - Violation of law a misdemeanor. - 106-349. Violation of law a misdemeanor. Any person or persons...
§ 106-350 - Sale of tubercular animal a felony. - 106-350. Sale of tubercular animal a felony. Any person or...
§ 106-351 - Systematic dipping of cattle or horses. - 106-351. Systematic dipping of cattle or horses. Systematic dipping of...
§ 106-352 - Counties not embraced in quarantine zones. - 106-352. Counties not embraced in quarantine zones. If it shall...
§ 106-353 - Dipping vats; counties to provide; cost. - 106-353. Dipping vats; counties to provide; cost. The county commissioners...
§ 106-354 - Local State inspectors; commissioned as quarantine inspectors; salaries, etc. - 106-354. Local State inspectors; commissioned as quarantine inspectors; salaries, etc....
§ 106-355 - Enforcement of compliance with law. - 106-355. Enforcement of compliance with law. If the county commissioners...
§ 106-356 - Owners of stock to have same dipped; supervision of dipping; dipping period. - 106-356. Owners of stock to have same dipped; supervision of...
§ 106-357 - Service of notice. - 106-357. Service of notice. Quarantine and dipping notice for cattle,...
§ 106-358 - Cattle placed in quarantine; dipping at expense of owner. - 106-358. Cattle placed in quarantine; dipping at expense of owner....
§ 106-359 - Expense of dipping as lien on animals; enforcement of lien. - 106-359. Expense of dipping as lien on animals; enforcement of...
§ 106-360 - Duty of sheriff. - 106-360. Duty of sheriff. It shall be the duty of...
§ 106-361 - Rules and regulations. - 106-361. Rules and regulations. The Commissioner of Agriculture, by and...
§ 106-362 - Penalty for violation. - 106-362. Penalty for violation. Any person, firm or corporation who...
§ 106-363 - Damaging dipping vats a felony. - 106-363. Damaging dipping vats a felony. Any person or persons...
§ 106-388 - Animals affected with, or exposed to, brucellosis declared subject to quarantine, etc. - 106-388. Animals affected with, or exposed to, brucellosis declared subject...
§ 106-389 - Brucellosis defined; program for vaccination; sale, etc., of vaccine; cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. - 106-389. Brucellosis defined; program for vaccination; sale, etc., of vaccine;...
§ 106-390 - Blood sample testing; diseased animals to be branded and quarantined; sale; removal of identification, etc. - 106-390. Blood sample testing; diseased animals to be branded and...
§ 106-391 - Civil liability of vendors. - 106-391. Civil liability of vendors. Any person or persons who...
§ 106-392 - Sales by nonresidents. - 106-392. Sales by nonresidents. When cattle are sold, or otherwise...
§ 106-393 - Duties of State Veterinarian; quarantine of animals; required testing. - 106-393. Duties of State Veterinarian; quarantine of animals; required testing....
§ 106-394 - Cooperation of county boards of commissioners. - 106-394. Cooperation of county boards of commissioners. The several boards...
§ 106-395 - Compulsory testing. - 106-395. Compulsory testing. Whenever a county board of commissioners shall...
§ 106-396 - Authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations. - 106-396. Authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations. The...
§ 106-397 - Violation made misdemeanor. - 106-397. Violation made misdemeanor. Any person or persons who shall...
§ 106-398 - Punishment for sale of animals known to be infected, or under quarantine. - 106-398. Punishment for sale of animals known to be infected,...
§ 106-399.4 - Imminent threat of contagious animal disease; emergency measures and procedures. - 106-399.4. Imminent threat of contagious animal disease; emergency measures and...
§ 106-399.5 - Warrantless inspections. - 106-399.5. Warrantless inspections. When determined by the State Veterinarian, in...
§ 106-400 - Sale or transportation of animals affected with disease prohibited. - 106-400. Sale or transportation of animals affected with disease prohibited....
§ 106-400.1 - Swine disease testing. - 106-400.1. Swine disease testing. In order to control or prevent...
§ 106-401 - State Veterinarian authorized to quarantine. - 106-401. State Veterinarian authorized to quarantine. (a) The State Veterinarian...
§ 106-401.1 - Inspection and quarantine of poultry. - 106-401.1. Inspection and quarantine of poultry. The State Veterinarian or...
§ 106-402 - Confinement and isolation of diseased animals required. - 106-402. Confinement and isolation of diseased animals required. Any animal...
§ 106-402.1 - Movement of animals prohibited; destruction of animals to control animal disease authorized. - 106-402.1. Movement of animals prohibited; destruction of animals to control...
§ 106-403 - Disposition of dead domesticated animals. - 106-403. Disposition of dead domesticated animals. It is the duty...
§ 106-404 - Animals affected with glanders to be killed. - 106-404. Animals affected with glanders to be killed. If the...
§ 106-405 - Prohibited acts; penalties. - 106-405. Prohibited acts; penalties. (a) Except as provided in G.S....
§ 106-405.1 - Definitions. - 106-405.1. Definitions. For the purpose of this Part, the following...
§ 106-405.2 - Permit for feeding garbage to swine. - 106-405.2. Permit for feeding garbage to swine. (a) No person...
§ 106-405.3 - Application for permit. - 106-405.3. Application for permit. (a) Any person desiring to obtain...
§ 106-405.4 - Revocation of permits. - 106-405.4. Revocation of permits. Upon determination that any person, having...
§ 106-405.5 - Sanitation. - 106-405.5. Sanitation. Premises on which garbage feeding is permitted under...
§ 106-405.6 - Cooking or other treatment. - 106-405.6. Cooking or other treatment. All garbage, regardless of previous...
§ 106-405.7 - Inspection and investigation; maintenance of records. - 106-405.7. Inspection and investigation; maintenance of records. (a) Any authorized...
§ 106-405.8 - Enforcement of Part; rules and regulations. - 106-405.8. Enforcement of Part; rules and regulations. The North Carolina...
§ 106-405.9 - Penalties. - 106-405.9. Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation who shall knowingly...
§ 106-405.15 - "Equine infectious anemia" defined. - 106-405.15. "Equine infectious anemia" defined. Equine infectious anemia shall mean...
§ 106-405.16 - Animals infected with or exposed to equine infectious anemia declared subject to quarantine. - 106-405.16. Animals infected with or exposed to equine infectious anemia...
§ 106-405.17 - Authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations. - 106-405.17. Authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations. The...
§ 106-405.18 - Implementation of control and eradication program. - 106-405.18. Implementation of control and eradication program. The control and...
§ 106-405.19 - Violation made misdemeanor. - 106-405.19. Violation made misdemeanor. Any person who shall willfully move,...
§ 106-405.20 - Civil penalties. - 106-405.20. Civil penalties. The Commissioner may assess a civil penalty...