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15-0501 - Protection of Certain Streams; Disturbances of Stream Beds; Permit. - permit. 1. Except as provided in subdivisions 4, 5, 6...
15-0503 - Protection of Water Bodies; Permit. - 1. Except as provided in subdivision 3 of this section...
15-0505 - Protection of Navigable Waters; Excavation or Fill; Permit. - 1. No person, local public corporation or interstate authority shall...
15-0507 - Structures Impounding Waters; Structures in Waters; Responsibility of Owner; Inspection. - responsibility of owner; inspection. 1. Any owner of a dam...
15-0509 - Bonds. - The department may require the posting of a bond by...
15-0511 - Alterations to Watercourses and Lakes; Inspection and Correction; Illegal Impounding of Waters. - correction; illegal impounding of waters. 1. Whenever in the judgment...
15-0513 - Liability of Subcontractor, Employee or Agent. - It shall be unlawful for a subcontractor, employee or agent...
15-0514 - Prohibition of Certain Incompatible Uses Over Either Primary Groundwater Recharge Areas or Federally Designated Sole Source Aquifers. - (1) petroleum; or (2) any substance or combination of substances...
15-0515 - Review. - A determination, order or issuance, modification or denial of a...
15-0516 - Inspection Report of Dam Safety. - (a) for the purposes of a village or city, the...
15-0517 - Water Quality Testing Requirements for Land Clearing Debris and Compost Facilities in Nassau and Suffolk Counties - (a) quarterly up gradient and down gradient water quality testing;...