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23-2701 - Short Title. - This title shall be known and may be cited as...
23-2703 - Declaration of Policy. - (i) ingress and egress to public thoroughfares controlled by the...
23-2705 - Definitions. - As used in this title, unless the context otherwise requires:...
23-2709 - Administration of Title. - (a) to issue permits in accordance with the criteria set...
23-2711 - Permits. - (a) completed application forms; (b) a mined land-use plan; (c)...
23-2713 - Mined Land-Use Plan. - (a) The mining plan shall consist of a written and...
23-2715 - Financial Security for Reclamation. - 1. Before the department may issue a permit, the applicant,...
23-2719 - Enforcement. - The provisions of this title and any rules and regulations...
23-2721 - Judicial Review. - Any act, omission, determination or order of the department or...
23-2722 - Interstate Mining Compact. - (a) Mining and the contributions thereof to the economy and...
23-2723 - Severability. - The provisions of this title shall be severable and if...