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9-200 - Canvass of Primary Returns by Board of Elections; Notices to Delegates; Certificates. - § 9-200. Canvass of primary returns by board of elections;...
9-202 - Canvass of Primary Returns by State Board of Elections; Convention Rolls. - § 9-202. Canvass of primary returns by state board of...
9-204 - County Boards of Canvassers. - § 9-204. County boards of canvassers. The board of elections...
9-206 - Canvass of Election District Returns of General and Special Elections. - § 9-206. Canvass of election district returns of general and...
9-208 - Provisions for Recanvass of Vote in Every Election District in the State; Procedure in Case of Discrepancy. - (b) For the purposes of this section, the term margin...
9-209 - Canvass of Absentee, Military and Special Ballots, and Ballots Cast in Affidavit Envelopes. - (a) If a person whose name is on a ballot...
9-210 - Statements of Canvass by Canvassing Boards. - § 9-210. Statements of canvass by canvassing boards. Upon the...
9-211 - Audit of Voter Verifiable Audit Records. - § 9-211. Audit of voter verifiable audit records. 1. Within...
9-212 - Determinations by County Canvassing Boards. - § 9-212. Determinations by county canvassing boards. 1. The canvassing...
9-214 - Transmission of Statements of Canvassing Boards to State Board of Elections and Secretary of State. - § 9-214. Transmission of statements of canvassing boards to state...
9-216 - Canvass of Statements of General and Special Elections by State Board of Canvassers. - § 9-216. Canvass of statements of general and special elections...
9-218 - Proceedings by Boards of Canvassers to Carry Into Effect a Court Order. - § 9-218. Proceedings by boards of canvassers to carry into...
9-220 - Record in Office of Secretary of State of County Officers Elected. - § 9-220. Record in office of secretary of state of...