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21-0101 - New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Compact. - The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Compact as first...
21-0103 - Membership on Commission. - The state shall be represented on the New England Interstate...
21-0105 - Budget. - The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission shall submit...
21-0107 - State Contribution. - The state agrees to contribute to the commission such annual...
21-0109 - Examination of Accounts. - The state Comptroller is hereby authorized and empowered from time...
21-0111 - Inconsistent Provisions. - No provision of the Public Health Law and no provision...
21-0113 - Appraisal. - On August 15, 1964, and at intervals of four years...
21-0115 - Additional Powers. - (1) Unless this state specifically confers a power or duty...
21-0117 - Water Quality Network. - 1. The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, in...