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Article 1 - Short Title; Declaration of Policy; Definitions
1 - Short Title. - Section 1. Short title. This chapter shall be known and...
2 - Declaration of Policy. - (2) Promotion of soil health and resiliency. It is further...
3 - Definitions. - (2) "Director" means one member of the governing body of...
Article 2 - State Soil and Water Conservation Committee, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and Other Functions
4 - State Soil and Water Conservation Committee. - (2) The committee may call upon the attorney-general of the...
4-A - Farm Drain Tile Revolving Loan Program. - (b) "Local loan administrator." A farm credit bureau or member...
5 - Creation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. - (2) In any suit, action, or proceeding involving the validity...
6 - Designation of District Directors. - (b) In counties where one or both of the above...
7 - Appointment, Qualifications, Compensation and Tenure of Directors. - § 7. Appointment, qualifications, compensation and tenure of directors. The...
8 - Organization of Directors. - (2) The directors shall provide for the execution of surety...
9 - Powers of Districts and Directors. - (1) To conduct surveys, investigations, and research relating to the...
10 - Cooperation Between Districts. - § 10. Cooperation between districts. The directors of any two...
11 - State Agencies to Cooperate. - § 11. State agencies to cooperate. Agencies of this state...
11-A - State Aid to Districts. - (a) Reimburse each soil and water conservation district to the...
11-B - Agricultural Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control Projects. - § 11-b. Agricultural nonpoint source abatement and control projects. 1....
12 - Discontinuance of Districts. - (2) Upon the repeal of the resolution which declared the...
Article 3 - Separability Clause; Inconsistency With Other Acts; Effective Date
13 - Separability Clause. - § 13. Separability clause. If any provisions of this chapter...
14 - Inconsistency With Other Acts. - § 14. Inconsistency with other acts. Insofar as any of...
15 - Effective Date. - § 15. Effective date. This chapter shall take effect immediately.