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235 - Short Title. - § 235. Short title. This article shall be known and...
236 - Definitions. - (a) lend the equivalent value of such deposit to an...
237 - Establishment and Purpose; Water Pollution Control Linked Deposit Program Authorization. - § 237. Establishment and purpose; water pollution control linked deposit...
238 - Linked Loans. - § 238. Linked loans. Linked loans shall be made by...
239 - Linked Loans Interest Rate; Limitation on Lender's Fees. - § 239. Linked loans interest rate; limitation on lender's fees....
240 - Application Procedure. - § 240. Application procedure. 1. The corporation shall provide an...
241 - Early Maturity. - § 241. Early maturity. Unless otherwise agreed to by the...
242 - Monitoring and Reporting. - § 242. Monitoring and reporting. 1. The corporation shall require...
243 - Rules and Regulations. - § 243. Rules and regulations. The corporation may promulgate rules...