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187 - Short Title. - § 187. Short title. This article shall be known and...
188 - Definitions. - (i) is presented to an officer, employee or agent of...
189 - Liability for Certain Acts. - (a) knowingly presents, or causes to be presented a false...
190 - Civil Actions for False Claims. - (b) A copy of the complaint and written disclosure of...
190-A - Monies Recovered. - § 190-a. Monies recovered. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary,...
190-B - Medicaid Fraud Recovery Reporting. - § 190-b. Medicaid fraud recovery reporting. The attorney general shall...
191 - Remedies. - (a) an injunction to restrain continued discrimination; (b) hiring, contracting...
192 - Limitation of Actions, Burden of Proof. - (1-a) For purposes of applying rule three thousand sixteen of...
193 - Other Law Enforcement Authority and Duties. - § 193. Other law enforcement authority and duties. This article...
194 - Regulations. - § 194. Regulations. The attorney general is authorized to adopt...