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60 - Patronage Capital Contributions, Allocations, and Retirements. - (b) Patronage capital shall be determined by a cooperative on...
61 - Disposition of Property. - (b) A cooperative may not otherwise sell, mortgage, lease or...
62 - Non-Liability of Members for Debts of Cooperative. - § 62. Non-liability of members for debts of cooperative. No...
63 - Recordation of Mortgages; Effect Thereof. - § 63. Recordation of mortgages; effect thereof. In case of...
64 - Construction Standards. - § 64. Construction standards. Construction of electric lines by a...
65 - Directors, Officers or Members as Notaries. - § 65. Directors, officers or members as notaries. No person...
66 - License Fee in Lieu of All Franchise, Excise, Income, Corporation and Sales and Compensating Use Taxes. - § 66. License fee in lieu of all franchise, excise,...
67 - Exemption From Jurisdiction of Public Service Commission and From the Provisions of the Public Service Law. - (a) The number of its members; (b) The amount of...
68 - Exemption of Securities. - § 68. Exemption of securities. The provisions of article twenty-three-a...