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262 - Enacted Without Section Heading. - * § 262. This article applies only to a Spiritualist...
263 - Incorporation of Unincorporated Spiritualist Churches and System of Incorporation and Government. - § 263. Incorporation of unincorporated Spiritualist churches and system of...
264 - . - * § 264. At the meeting for incorporation, held in...
265 - The Certificate of Incorporation. - § 265. The certificate of incorporation. If the meeting shall...
266 - Time, Place and Notice of Corporate Meetings. - § 266. Time, place and notice of corporate meetings. The...
267 - Organization and Conduct of Corporate Meetings; Qualifications of Voters. - § 267. Organization and conduct of corporate meetings; qualifications of...
268 - Election and Salary of Ministers. - § 268. Election and salary of ministers. The ministerial and...
269 - Duties of Ministers, Et Cetera. - § 269. Duties of ministers, et cetera. Ministers and clerical...
270 - Reincorporation of Present Incorporated Spiritualist Churches. - § 270. Reincorporation of present incorporated Spiritualist churches. Any Spiritualist...
271 - . - * § 271. Any church incorporating or reincorporating under this...
272 - Enacted Without Section Heading. - * § 272. The word church as used herein shall...