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120 - Definitions. - § 120. Definitions. Where used in this article, the following...
121 - Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need. - § 121. Certificate of environmental compatibility and public need. 1....
121-A - Procedures With Respect to Certain Fuel Gas Transmission Lines. - (a) the date on or about which the applicant intends...
122 - Application for a Certificate. - (b) a notice of such application on persons residing in...
123 - Hearing on Application for Certificate. - (a) proceedings on an application for a major utility transmission...
124 - Parties to Certification Proceedings. - (a) the applicant (b) the department of environmental conservation (c)...
125 - Conduct of the Hearing. - § 125. Conduct of the hearing. A record shall be...
126 - The Decision. - (a) the basis of the need for the facility; (b)...
127 - Opinion to Be Issued With Decision. - § 127. Opinion to be issued with decision. In rendering...
128 - Judicial Review. - (a) in conformity with the constitution and the laws of...
129 - Jurisdiction of Courts. - § 129. Jurisdiction of courts. Except as expressly set forth...
130 - Powers of Municipalities and State Agencies. - § 130. Powers of municipalities and state agencies. Notwithstanding any...