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60 - Official Seals of Court of Appeals, Governor and State Departments, Divisions and Bureaus. - § 60. Official seals of court of appeals, governor and...
61 - Investigations by State Officers. - § 61. Investigations by state officers. Every state officer, in...
62 - Business in Public Offices on Public Holidays. - § 62. Business in public offices on public holidays. 1....
62-A - Leave of Absence for Certain Appointive State Officers; Temporary Vacancy. - § 62-a. Leave of absence for certain appointive state officers;...
63 - Leave of Absence for Veterans on Memorial Day and Veterans' Day. - § 63. Leave of absence for veterans on Memorial day...
64 - Payment of Expenses of Public Officers. - § 64. Payment of expenses of public officers. Every public...
64-A - Patent Policy. - § 64-a. Patent policy. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section...
66 - Interchangeable Use of Gender Neutral and Gender Specific Titles of Public Offices. - (a) by its official title as specified in the statute,...
66-A - Accident Reports Kept by Police Authorities to Be Open to the Inspection of Persons Interested. - § 66-a. Accident reports kept by police authorities to be...
67 - Fees of Public Officers. - § 67. Fees of public officers. 1. Each public officer...
67-A - Fees for Certification or Exemplification. - § 67-a. Fees for certification or exemplification. Whenever there shall...
68 - Allowance of Additional Fees and Expenses. - § 68. Allowance of additional fees and expenses. Where an...
68-A - Fees for Oath or Acknowledgment. - § 68-a. Fees for oath or acknowledgment. Any officer, authorized...
69 - Fee for Administering Certain Official Oaths Prohibited. - § 69. Fee for administering certain official oaths prohibited. An...
69-A - Interest to Be Paid and Collected on All Deposits of Public Moneys Amounting to One Thousand Dollars or More. - § 69-a. Interest to be paid and collected on all...
70 - Accounting for Fees. - § 70. Accounting for fees. Where a public officer is...
70-A - Fees to Be Paid by Public Officers for Public Advertisements. - § 70-a. Fees to be paid by public officers for...
70-B - Certificate on Printed Copies of Laws. - (a) Contained in a book or pamphlet published under the...
71 - Vacations for Employees of the State. - § 71. Vacations for employees of the state. The executive...
72 - Notices and Reports of Claims, Suits or Causes of Action to Be Given to the Attorney-General. - § 72. Notices and reports of claims, suits or causes...
72-A - Penalty of Officer for Failure to Execute Mandate and Make Return. - § 72-a. Penalty of officer for failure to execute mandate...
73 - Business or Professional Activities by State Officers and Employees and Party Officers. - (a) The term "compensation" shall mean any money, thing of...
73-A - Financial Disclosure. - (a) The term "statewide elected official" shall mean the governor,...
73-B - Advertisements by Elected Government Officials and Candidates Made With Public Funds; Prohibited. - (a) "Political subdivision" shall mean a county, city, town, village...
74 - Code of Ethics. - § 74. Code of ethics. 1. Definition. As used in...
74-A - Duty of Public Officers Regarding the Physically Handicapped. - § 74-a. Duty of public officers regarding the physically handicapped....
75 - Bribery of Members of the Legislature. - § 75. Bribery of members of the legislature. A person...
75-A - Appearance by a Person Convicted of the Crime of Corruption. - § 75-a. Appearance by a person convicted of a crime...
76 - Receiving Bribes by Members of Legislature. - § 76. Receiving bribes by members of legislature. A member...
77 - Unlawful Fees and Payments. - § 77. Unlawful fees and payments. A member of the...
77-A - Members of the Legislature Liable to Forfeiture of Office. - § 77-a. Members of the legislature liable to forfeiture of...
78 - Certification of Members, Officers and Employees. - § 78. Certification of members, officers and employees. On or...
79 - Fine in Certain Cases. - § 79. Fine in certain cases. Where an officer or...