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10 - Division of Housing and Community Renewal. - § 10. Division of housing and community renewal. There shall...
11 - Commissioner of Housing and Community Renewal; Appointment; Term of Office; Vacancies; Salaries. - § 11. Commissioner of housing and community renewal; appointment; term...
12 - Officers and Employees. - § 12. Officers and employees. Subject to approval by the...
12-B - Refunds. - § 12-b. Refunds. Moneys received by the state division of...
13 - Disqualification of Commissioner, Officers and Employees. - § 13. Disqualification of commissioner, officers and employees. Neither the...
14 - Powers and Duties of the Commissioner; Generally. - (a) assist in the preparation of legislation and formulate regulations...
15 - Actions and Proceedings Against the Commissioner or the State; Intervention by Commissioner in Certain Actions and Proceedings. - § 15. Actions and proceedings against the commissioner or the...
16 - Powers and Duties of Commissioner With Respect to State Projects. - § 16. Powers and duties of commissioner with respect to...
17 - Occupancy Preference. - § 17. Occupancy preference. The occupancy of any state project...
18 - Effects of Breach or of Acquisition of Projects by Third Persons. - § 18. Effects of breach or of acquisition of projects...
19 - Rules and Regulations. - § 19. Rules and regulations. The commissioner shall have the...
19-A - Electronic Lease Regulations. - § 19-a. Electronic lease regulations. 1. The commissioner, in consultation...
20 - Annual Reports. - § 20. Annual reports. 1. The commissioner shall, on or...