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30 - Short Title. - § 30. Short title. This part shall be known and...
31 - Application. - § 31. Application. This part shall apply to each county...
32 - Definitions. - § 32. Definitions. For the purposes of this part, the...
33 - Power to Adopt, Amend and Repeal County Charters. - (a) providing a county charter, or (b) proposing an amendment...
33-A - Transfer of Functions or Duties of Local Governments and Districts. - § 33-a. Transfer of functions or duties of local governments...
34 - Limitations and Restrictions. - § 34. Limitations and restrictions. 1. The legislature hereby imposes...
35 - Legislative Intent; Construction. - § 35. Legislative intent; construction. 1. It is the intention...
35-A - County Websites. - * § 35-a. County websites. Any county operating under a...