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20 - Procedure for Adoption of Local Laws by Legislative Body. - § 20. Procedure for adoption of local laws by legislative...
21 - Approval of Local Laws by Elective Chief Executive Officer. - § 21. Approval of local laws by elective chief executive...
22 - Effect of Local Laws on Acts of Legislature or Prior Local Laws or Ordinances. - § 22. Effect of local laws on acts of legislature...
23 - Local Laws Subject to Mandatory Referendum. - § 23. Local laws subject to mandatory referendum. 1. A...
24 - Local Laws Subject to Referendum on Petition. - (1) A petition signed and authenticated in number equal to...
25 - Propositions for the Submission of Local Laws. - § 25. Propositions for the submission of local laws. A...
26 - Reconsideration of Local Law Before Submission to Referendum. - § 26. Reconsideration of local law before submission to referendum....
27 - Filing and Publication of Local Laws. - § 27. Filing and publication of local laws. 1. Within...
28 - Law Applicable to Conduct of Elections at Which Ballot Questions Are Submitted to All the Voters of a City. - § 28. Law applicable to conduct of elections at which...