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835 - Definitions. - (a) was a full-time homemaker for a substantial number of...
836 - Administration. - § 836. Administration. Except as is otherwise provided herein, the...
837 - State Plan. - (a) a description of services to be provided to dislocated...
838 - Substate Grantees. - (a) preference for selection shall be given to those entities...
839 - Substate Plans. - (a) basic readjustment, retraining and supportive services and the method...
840 - State Level Activities, Rapid Response. - (a) on site intervention within forty-eight hours of notification of...
841 - Regional and Demonstration Projects. - (b) Such projects shall emphasize retraining, and include counseling and...
842 - Monitoring. - § 842. Monitoring. The state unit will monitor the implementation...
843 - Employer Specific Skills Training. - § 843. Employer specific skills training. 1. The department shall...
844 - Feasibility Studies. - § 844. Feasibility studies. The department of economic development shall...
845 - Coordination. - § 845. Coordination. State dislocated worker programs funded under this...
846 - Substate Level Activities. - (b) Each substate grantee shall provide intake, counseling and assessment...
847 - Limitations on Uses of Funds. - (b) Six hundred seventy-five thousand dollars of the funds allocated...
848 - Apportionment of Funds. - (b) Each substate grantee with a demand for services which...
849 - Reporting and Evaluation. - § 849. Reporting and evaluation. Reporting and evaluation requirements prescribed...