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780 - Definitions. - (b) "Aggregated work speed data" means a compilation of employee...
781 - Quotas. - § 781. Quotas. Each employer shall provide to each employee,...
782 - Protection From Quotas. - § 782. Protection from quotas. An employee shall not be...
783 - Time on Task. - § 783. Time on task. Consistent with existing law, paid...
784 - Recordkeeping. - § 784. Recordkeeping. 1. Each employer shall establish, maintain, and...
785 - Right to Request. - § 785. Right to request. 1. A current employee has...
786 - Unlawful Retaliation. - § 786. Unlawful retaliation. For purposes of this article, there...
787 - Enforcement. - § 787. Enforcement. The commissioner may adopt rules and regulations...
788 - Other Powers. - § 788. Other powers. The attorney general, either upon his...