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140 - Division of State Into Judicial Districts. - § 140. Division of state into judicial districts. The state...
140-A - Number of Supreme Court Justices in Each Judicial District. - § 140-a. Number of supreme court justices in each judicial...
140-B - General Jurisdiction of Supreme Court. - § 140-b. General jurisdiction of supreme court. The general jurisdiction...
141 - Designation of Supreme Court Justices to Hold Court in Another County. - § 141. Designation of supreme court justices to hold court...
147 - Holding Special and Trial Terms. - § 147. Holding special and trial terms. A special term...
147-A - Powers of Justice of Supreme Court. - § 147-a. Powers of justice of supreme court. Any justice...
148 - Trial Term May Be Held in Parts. - § 148. Trial term may be held in parts. A...
149 - Governor May Appoint Extraordinary Terms and Name Justices to Hold Them. - § 149. Governor may appoint extraordinary terms and name justices...
150 - Printing Calendars in Certain Counties. - § 150. Printing calendars in certain counties. The supreme court...
151 - Publishing Calendars in Monroe County. - § 151. Publishing calendars in Monroe county. The justices of...
152 - Publishing Calendars in Erie County. - § 152. Publishing calendars in Erie county. The board of...
153 - Records Kept by Special Deputy Clerks Shall Be Part of Records of Supreme Court. - § 153. Records kept by special deputy clerks shall be...
154 - Duty of Supreme Court Justices in First Judicial District to Enforce Rules Made by Appellate Division of First Department. - § 154. Duty of supreme court justices in first judicial...
155 - Supreme Court Seal. - § 155. Supreme court seal. The seal kept by the...
156 - Appointment of Special Deputy Clerks for the Supreme Court in Queens County. - § 156. Appointment of special deputy clerks for the supreme...
158 - Appointment of Calendar Clerk for Westchester County in the Ninth Judicial District. - § 158. Appointment of calendar clerk for Westchester county in...
158-A - Appointment of Calendar Clerk for Dutchess County in the Ninth Judicial District. - § 158-a. Appointment of calendar clerk for Dutchess county in...
158-B - Appointment of Calendar Clerk for Schenectady County in the Fourth Judicial District. - § 158-b. Appointment of calendar clerk for Schenectady county in...
158-C - Appointment of Calendar Clerk for Putnam County and Other Necessary Assistants. - § 158-c. Appointment of calendar clerk for Putnam county and...
160 - Appointment of Temporary Stenographer Where Official Stenographer Fails to Attend Term. - § 160. Appointment of temporary stenographer where official stenographer fails...
161 - Amount Spent for Services of Temporary Stenographer to Be Deducted From Salary of Official Stenographer. - § 161. Amount spent for services of temporary stenographer to...
162 - Justice of Supreme Court to Certify Amount of Expenses of Stenographer Attending Term. - § 162. Justice of supreme court to certify amount of...
163 - Justices of Supreme Court in Third and Fourth Judicial Districts to Certify to the Department of Taxation and Finance Amount of Salaries and Expenses - § 163. Justices of supreme court in third and fourth...
164 - Emergency Stenographers in Criminal Cases. - § 164. Emergency stenographers in criminal cases. Where the prompt...
165 - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Nassau County to Appoint Law Stenographers and Typists. - § 165. Power of supreme court justices in Nassau county...
165-A - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Dutchess County to Appoint Law Stenographers and Typists. - § 165-a. Power of supreme court justices in Dutchess county...
165-B - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Rockland County to Appoint Law Stenographers and Typists. - § 165-b. Power of supreme court justices in Rockland county...
165-C - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Putnam County to Appoint Law Stenographers and Typists. - § 165-c. Power of supreme court justices in Putnam county...
165-D - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Orange County to Appoint Law Stenographers and Typists. - § 165-d. Power of supreme court justices in Orange county...
165-E - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Westchester County to Appoint Secretarial Assistants. - § 165-e. Power of supreme court justices in Westchester county...
166 - Power of Supreme Court Justices in First Judicial District to Appoint Attendants for Supreme Court. - § 166. Power of supreme court justices in first judicial...
167 - Powers of Supreme Court Justices in the Third Judicial District Residing in Albany and Rensselaer Counties to Appoint Confidential Court Attendants. - § 167. Powers of supreme court justices in the third...
168 - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Kings, Queens, Richmond, Nassau and Suffolk Counties to Appoint Court Officers. - * § 168. Power of supreme court justices in Kings,...
168*2 - Classification of Certain Attendants. - * § 168. Classification of certain attendants. A confidential attendant...
169 - Continuation in Office of Certain Attendants and Clerks. - § 169. Continuation in office of certain attendants and clerks....
170 - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Rockland County to Appoint Court Officer or Attendant. - § 170. Power of supreme court justices in Rockland county...
171 - Powers of Supreme Court Justices Residing in Erie County to Appoint Court Officers to Attend Terms. - § 171. Powers of supreme court justices residing in Erie...
172 - Power of Supreme Court Justices Residing in Kings and Queens Counties to Appoint Interpreters. - § 172. Power of supreme court justices residing in Kings...
173 - Power of Supreme Court Justices Residing in Erie County Together With County Judge of Erie County to Appoint Criers. - § 173. Power of supreme court justices residing in Erie...
173-A - Power of Supreme Court Justices in Erie County to Appoint a Secretary and Junior Secretaries to Such Justices. - § 173-a. Power of supreme court justices in Erie county...
173-B - Power of Supreme Court Justices of the Eight Judicial District to Appoint a Confidential Law Assistant to Such Justices. - § 173-b. Power of supreme court justices of the eight...
173-C - Power of Supreme Court Trial Justices of Eighth Judicial District to Appoint Stenographers. - § 173-c. Power of supreme court trial justices of eighth...
174 - Maintenance of Supreme Court House Building in Kings County. - § 174. Maintenance of supreme court house building in Kings...