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321 - Appointment of Stenographers. - § 321. Appointment of stenographers. It shall be lawful for...
322 - Stenographers to Be Citizens and Residents of County Where Appointed. - § 322. Stenographers to be citizens and residents of county...
323 - Evidence of Appointment and Filing Same; Stenographer's Oath. - § 323. Evidence of appointment and filing same; stenographer's oath....
324 - Revocation of Appointment. - § 324. Revocation of appointment. Any appointment made under the...
325 - Stenographers' Duties. - § 325. Stenographers' duties. 1. It shall be lawful for...
326 - Misdemeanor for Stenographer to Violate Provisions of This Article. - § 326. Misdemeanor for stenographer to violate provisions of this...
327 - Compensation and Payment of Stenographers. - § 327. Compensation and payment of stenographers. Each stenographer appointed...
328 - Designation of Temporary Stenographers to Take Place of or in Addition to Official Stenographers. - § 328. Designation of temporary stenographers to take place of...
329 - Designation of Temporary Stenographer in Special Cases. - § 329. Designation of temporary stenographer in special cases. If,...
330 - Transcription of Testimony by Typists Duly Sworn. - § 330. Transcription of testimony by typists duly sworn. The...