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855 - Legislative Findings. - § 855. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that, as a...
856 - Definitions. - (1) Merchant means a person who deals in the sale...
857 - Disclosure Required. - (2) A merchant shall inquire of any person offering a...
858 - Posting of Notice. - § 858. Posting of notice. In each place of business...
859 - Information to Be Provided. - (1) The name of the merchant. (2) The name of...
860 - Records. - § 860. Records. Each merchant subject to the requirements of...
861 - Penalty. - § 861. Penalty. Any merchant who fails to comply with...
862 - Recision and Other Penalties. - § 862. Recision and other penalties. If a merchant fails...
863 - Enforcement. - (2) Any person who engages in repeated violations of this...
864 - Severability. - § 864. Severability. If any sentence, paragraph, section or part...