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736 - Definitions. - § 736. Definitions. As used in this article: 1. "Automobile...
736-A - Registration Required. - § 736-a. Registration required. 1. No person shall engage in...
737 - Advance Fees Prohibited. - § 737. Advance fees prohibited. No automobile broker business shall...
738 - Contracts; Requirements and Contents. - (a) A complete description of the automobile and each option,...
739 - Contracts Void and Unenforceable. - § 739. Contracts void and unenforceable. 1. Any contract for...
740 - Escrow Required for Advance Payments. - § 740. Escrow required for advance payments. All monies paid...
740-A - Automobile Broker Business Surety Bond. - § 740-a. Automobile broker business surety bond. 1. Automobile broker...
741 - Deceptive Acts Prohibited. - § 741. Deceptive acts prohibited. It is hereby declared to...
741-A - Advertising. - (a) That the automobile broker business is not a registered...
741-B - Disclosure. - § 741-b. Disclosure. An automobile broker business shall provide a...
742 - Action for Recovery of Damages by Consumer. - § 742. Action for recovery of damages by consumer. Any...
743 - Enforcement by Attorney General. - § 743. Enforcement by attorney general. In addition to the...
744 - Severability. - § 744. Severability. If any provision of this article or...