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Login Registration
Title 1 - General Provisions
5-100 - Registration; Required. - § 5-100. Registration; required. A person shall not be entitled...
5-102 - Qualifications of Voters; Age and Residence. - § 5-102. Qualifications of voters; age and residence. 1. No...
5-104 - Qualifications of Voters; Residence, Gaining or Losing. - § 5-104. Qualifications of voters; residence, gaining or losing. 1....
5-106 - Qualifications of Voters; Reasons for Exclusion. - § 5-106. Qualifications of voters; reasons for exclusion. 1. No...
Title 2 - Registration and Enrollment
5-202 - Local Registration; Provision For. - § 5-202. Local registration; provision for. 1. The board of...
5-204 - Local Registration; General Provisions for the Conduct Of. - § 5-204. Local registration; general provisions for the conduct of....
5-206 - Watchers. - § 5-206. Watchers. 1. Each political party or independent body...
5-208 - Transfer of Registration and Enrollment. - § 5-208. Transfer of registration and enrollment. 1. The board...
5-210 - Registration and Enrollment and Change of Enrollment Upon Application. - (b) The board of elections shall mail an application for...
5-211 - Agency Assisted Registration. - (a) seek to influence an applicant's political preference or party...
5-212 - Motor Vehicle Registration. - (a) shall not require any information that duplicates the information...
5-213 - Inactive Status. - § 5-213. Inactive status. 1. When a voter is sent...
5-214 - Registration Cards for Identification. - § 5-214. Registration cards for identification. A board of elections...
5-215 - Veterans' Absentee Registration. - § 5-215. Veterans' absentee registration. 1. The board of elections...
5-216 - Registration; Assistance to Applicant. - § 5-216. Registration; assistance to applicant. 1. If any person...
5-218 - Registration; Challenges. - § 5-218. Registration; challenges. 1. Any person who applies for...
5-220 - Registration; Challenge After Registered. - § 5-220. Registration; challenge after registered. 1. Any person may...
5-222 - Statement of Temporary Absence. - § 5-222. Statement of temporary absence. 1. A voter who...
5-224 - Registration of Voters Unlawfully Denied the Right to Register. - § 5-224. Registration of voters unlawfully denied the right to...
5-226 - Registration; Voter Registered in Wrong District. - § 5-226. Registration; voter registered in wrong district. 1. If...
5-228 - Registration; Certificates of Local Registration. - § 5-228. Registration; certificates of local registration. 1. At the...
5-230 - Local Registration; Disposition of Records and Supplies. - § 5-230. Local registration; disposition of records and supplies. 1....
Title 3 - Enrollment
5-300 - Enrollment; Generally. - § 5-300. Enrollment; generally. At the time a voter is...
5-302 - Enrollment; Completion. - § 5-302. Enrollment; completion. 1. Before placing the registration poll...
5-304 - Enrollment; Change of Enrollment or New Enrollment by Previously Registered Voters. - § 5-304. Enrollment; change of enrollment or new enrollment by...
5-306 - Enrollment; Correction Of. - § 5-306. Enrollment; correction of. 1. If, after being regularly...
5-308 - Enrollment; Automatic Voter Registration. - § 5-308. Enrollment; automatic voter registration. 1. The board of...
5-310 - Enrollment; Forms of Affidavits, Mailing Requirements. - § 5-310. Enrollment; forms of affidavits, mailing requirements. 1. The...
Title 4 - Cancellation of Registration
5-400 - Cancellation of Registration; Generally. - (a) Moved his or her residence outside the state. (b)...
5-402 - Cancellation of Registration; Generally, Notice to Voter. - § 5-402. Cancellation of registration; generally, notice to voter. 1....
5-403 - Rejection of Ballot of Unqualified Voter; Notice of Action by Board. - § 5-403. Rejection of ballot of unqualified voter; notice of...
5-404 - Cancellation of Registration; Cancellation of Record. - § 5-404. Cancellation of registration; cancellation of record. 1. The...
Title 5 - Registration Records
5-500 - Registration Records; Form and Content. - § 5-500. Registration records; form and content. 1. There shall...
5-502 - Registration Records; Supplies and Equipment. - § 5-502. Registration records; supplies and equipment. 1. The board...
5-504 - Optional Discontinuation of Central File Registration Records. - § 5-504. Optional discontinuation of central file registration records. 1....
5-506 - Optional Use of Computer Registration Lists. - § 5-506. Optional use of computer registration lists. 1. Notwithstanding...
5-507 - Voter Pre-Registration and Education on Voter Pre-Registration. - § 5-507. Voter pre-registration and education on voter pre-registration. 1....
5-508 - Confidentiality of Registration Records in Certain Cases. - (a) "Victim of domestic violence" means any person who is...
Title 6 - Filing and Custody of Registration Records
5-600 - Registration Records; Filing Of. - § 5-600. Registration records; filing of. 1. The board of...
5-601 - Registration Records; Physically Disabled Voters. - § 5-601. Registration records; physically disabled voters. 1. A physically...
5-602 - Lists of Registered Voters; Publication Of. - § 5-602. Lists of registered voters; publication of. 1. After...
5-604 - Enrollment Lists; Publication Of. - § 5-604. Enrollment lists; publication of. 1. The board of...
5-606 - Lists; Certification Of. - § 5-606. Lists; certification of. 1. The board of elections...
5-608 - Replacement of Registration and Enrollment Records; Damaged, Unusable or Lost. - § 5-608. Replacement of registration and enrollment records; damaged, unusable...
5-610 - Registration Records; New Election District. - § 5-610. Registration records; new election district. When an election...
5-612 - Registration Records; Use by Town or Village Clerks and for School District, Improvement District and Fire District Elections. - § 5-612. Registration records; use by town or village clerks...
5-614 - Statewide Voter Registration List. - (1) the name of each registered voter appears in the...
Title 7 - Checks Against Fraudulent Practices
5-700 - Checks on Registration. - § 5-700. Checks on registration. The board of elections shall...
5-702 - Voters' Check Cards; Investigation. - § 5-702. Voters' check cards; investigation. 1. The board of...
5-704 - Notification to Jurisdiction of Prior Registration. - § 5-704. Notification to jurisdiction of prior registration. 1. Each...
5-708 - Change of Voter Status; Reports Of. - § 5-708. Change of voter status; reports of. 1. It...
5-710 - Check of Registrants; Personal. - § 5-710. Check of registrants; personal. 1. A special door...
5-712 - Confirmation Notices. - (b) If a notice sent pursuant to paragraph (a) of...
Title 8 - Electronic Personal Voter Registration Process
5-800 - Electronic Voter Registration Transmittal System. - § 5-800. Electronic voter registration transmittal system. In addition to...
5-802 - Online Voter Registration Application. - (a) completes an electronic voter registration application promulgated by the...
5-804 - Failure to Provide Exemplar Signature Not to Prevent Registration. - § 5-804. Failure to provide exemplar signature not to prevent...
Title 9 - Automatic Voter Registration
5-900 - Integrated Personal Voter Registration Application Required. - (a) include a statement of the eligibility requirements for voter...
5-902 - Failure to Receive Exemplar Signature Not to Prevent Registration. - § 5-902. Failure to receive exemplar signature not to prevent...
5-904 - Presumption of Innocent Authorized Error. - (a) shall not be guilty of any crime as the...
5-906 - Forms. - § 5-906. Forms. The state board of elections shall promulgate...