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350 - Short Title. - § 350. Short title. This article shall be known and...
351 - Statement of Legislative Findings and Declaration. - § 351. Statement of legislative findings and declaration. It is...
352 - Definitions. - (a) jobs created in this state that (i) are new...
353 - Eligibility Criteria. - (a) as a financial services data center or a financial...
354 - Application and Approval Process. - (a) Agree to allow the department of taxation and finance...
355 - Excelsior Jobs Program Credit. - (b) The credit in year one shall be equal to...
356 - Powers and Duties of the Commissioner. - § 356. Powers and duties of the commissioner. 1. The...
357 - Maintenance of Records. - § 357. Maintenance of records. Each participant shall keep all...
358 - Reporting. - § 358. Reporting. 1. Each participant must submit a performance...
359 - Cap on Tax Credit. - § 359. Cap on tax credit. 1. Except with respect...