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80 - Legislative Findings. - § 80. Legislative findings. The legislature hereby finds and declares...
81 - Definitions. - § 81. Definitions. As used in this article the following...
82 - Corporations Organized Under the Business Corporation Law; Election to Be Governed as Worker Cooperative. - § 82. Corporations organized under the business corporation law; election...
83 - Status as Profit-Making Corporation. - § 83. Status as profit-making corporation. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions...
84 - Applicability of the Business Corporation Law. - § 84. Applicability of the business corporation law. 1. A...
85 - Applicability of the Cooperative Corporations Law. - § 85. Applicability of the cooperative corporations law. Except where...
86 - Revocation of Election. - § 86. Revocation of election. A worker cooperative may revoke...
87 - Corporate Name. - § 87. Corporate name. A worker cooperative shall include the...
88 - Members; Membership Shares; Fees; Rights and Responsibilities. - § 88. Members; membership shares; fees; rights and responsibilities. 1....
89 - Voting Shares; By-Laws; Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation. - § 89. Voting shares; by-laws; amendment of certificate of incorporation....
90 - Net Retained Proceeds or Losses; Distribution and Payment. - § 90. Net retained proceeds or losses; distribution and payment....
91 - Directors; Officers. - § 91. Directors; officers. 1. The by-laws of a worker...
92 - Internal Capital Accounts; Recall or Redemption of Shares; Interest; Collective Reserve Account. - § 92. Internal capital accounts; recall or redemption of shares;...
93 - Internal Capital Account Cooperatives. - § 93. Internal capital account cooperatives. 1. A worker cooperative...
94 - Conversion of Membership Shares and Internal Capital Accounts Upon Revocation of Election; Consolidation or Merger. - § 94. Conversion of membership shares and internal capital accounts...