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125 - General Prohibitions and Restrictions. - § 125. General prohibitions and restrictions. 1. No person shall...
126 - License to Be Confined to Premises Licensed; Premises for Which No License Shall Be Granted; Transporting Cannabis. - (a) a sale between relatives; (b) a sale between related...
127 - Protections for the Use of Cannabis; Unlawful Discriminations Prohibited. - (a) if failing to do so would cause the landlord...
128 - Permits, Registrations and Licenses. - (a) name of the person to whom the license is...
129 - Laboratory Testing Permits. - (a) the owners and directors of the laboratory are of...
130 - Special Use Permits. - § 130. Special use permits. The board shall have the...
131 - Local Opt-Out; Municipal Control and Preemption. - § 131. Local opt-out; municipal control and preemption. 1. The...
131-A - Office to Be Necessary Party to Certain Proceedings. - § 131-a. Office to be necessary party to certain proceedings....
132 - Penalties for Violation of This Chapter. - (b) If a person engaging in the conduct described in...
133 - Revocation of Registrations, Licenses and Permits for Cause; Procedure for Revocation or Cancellation. - (a) conviction of the registered organization, licensee, permittee or his...
134 - Lawful Actions Pursuant to This Chapter. - (a) Actions of a registered organization, licensee, or permittee, or...
135 - Review by Courts. - (a) Refusal by the board to issue a registration, license,...
136 - Illicit Cannabis. - § 136. Illicit cannabis. 1. "Illicit cannabis" means and includes...
137 - Persons Forbidden to Traffic Cannabis; Certain Officials Not to Be Interested in Manufacture or Sale of Cannabis Products. - (a) An individual who has been convicted of an offense...
138 - Access to Criminal History Information Through the Division of Criminal Justice Services. - § 138. Access to criminal history information through the division...
138-A - Action for Unlawful Business Practices Relating to Cannabis. - § 138-a. Action for unlawful business practices relating to cannabis....
139 - Severability. - § 139. Severability. If any provision of this chapter or...