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106 - Purpose. - § 106. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to...
107 - Application. - § 107. Application. 1. This article shall apply to all...
108 - Definitions. - (b) "Dangerous dog" does not include a police work dog,...
109 - Licensing of Dogs Required; Rabies Vaccination Required. - (b) Application for a dog license shall be made to...
110 - License Fees. - (a) recovering costs associated with enumeration conducted pursuant to subdivision...
111 - Identification of Dogs. - § 111. Identification of dogs. 1. Each dog licensed pursuant...
111-A - Microchipping Standards. - § 111-a. Microchipping standards. 1. The commissioner may adopt and...
112 - Change of Ownership; Lost or Stolen Dog. - § 112. Change of ownership; lost or stolen dog. 1....
113 - Dog Control Officers. - § 113. Dog control officers. 1. Each town and city,...
114 - Pounds and Shelters. - § 114. Pounds and shelters. 1. Each town and city,...
115 - Funds Expended by Municipality for Services. - § 115. Funds expended by municipality for services. No municipality...
116 - Spaying and Neutering Facilities Authorized. - § 116. Spaying and neutering facilities authorized. 1. Any municipality...
117 - Seizure of Dogs; Redemption Periods; Impoundment Fees; Adoption. - (a) any dog which is not identified and which is...
117-A - Animal Population Control Program. - (a) The administrative entity chosen by the commissioner shall review...
118 - Violations. - (a) any owner to fail to license any dog; (b)...
119 - Disposition of Fines. - § 119. Disposition of fines. Notwithstanding any other provision of...
120 - Protection of Deer. - § 120. Protection of deer. 1. Whenever the governing body...
121 - Night Quarantine. - § 121. Night quarantine. 1. The governing body of any...
122 - Local Laws or Ordinances. - (a) impose penalties for violation of such restrictions to be...
123 - Dangerous Dogs. - (a) evaluation of the dog by a certified applied behaviorist,...
123-A - Exemption From Civil Liability. - § 123-a. Exemption from civil liability. 1. If any dog...
123-B - Offenses Against Service Animals and Handlers. - (a) "Service animal" shall mean any animal that has been...
124 - Powers of Commissioner. - (b) exercise all other powers and functions as are necessary...