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156-C - Farm Products; Official Standards. - § 156-c. Farm products; official standards. The commissioner is hereby...
156-D - Culls. - § 156-d. Culls. The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered,...
156-DD - Controlled Atmosphere. - § 156-dd. Controlled atmosphere. No person shall sell or exchange...
156-E - Sales Prohibitions. - § 156-e. Sales prohibitions. (1) No person shall sell, expose...
156-F - Rules and Regulations. - § 156-f. Rules and regulations. The commissioner shall adopt and...
156-G - Seizure of Misbranded, Mislabeled or Misrepresented Farm Products. - § 156-g. Seizure of misbranded, mislabeled or misrepresented farm products....
156-GG - Branding Closed Packages of Potatoes. - § 156-gg. Branding closed packages of potatoes. 1. No person...
156-H - Food and Farm Products Promotion. - (b) New York state processed food products, manufactured within this...
156-I - Publicity Fund. - § 156-i. Publicity fund. All moneys received by the commissioner...