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143 - Definitions. - § 143. Definitions. When used in this article, unless otherwise...
144 - Guaranteed Analysis. - § 144. Guaranteed analysis. Guaranteed analysis shall contain a statement...
145 - Labelling. - (1) Net weight of the contents of the package. (2)...
146 - Licensing. - (b) The application shall include: (1) The name and address...
146-A - Inspection, Sampling, Analysis. - § 146-a. Inspection, sampling, analysis. a. It shall be the...
146-B - Misbranded or Adulterated Fertilizer. - (a) A commercial fertilizer shall be deemed to be misbranded:...
146-C - Reports and Fees. - § 146-c. Reports and fees. Each licensee who distributes commercial...
146-D - Rules and Regulations. - § 146-d. Rules and regulations. The commissioner is hereby authorized,...
146-E - Stop Sale Orders. - § 146-e. Stop sale orders. The commissioner may issue and...
146-F - Ammonium Nitrate Security. - (b) Ammonium nitrate and regulated ammonium nitrate materials, while at...
146-G - Retail Sale. - (a) display such phosphorus-containing specialty fertilizer separately from non-phosphorus specialty...