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Article 25 - Tickets to Places of Entertainment
25.01 - Legislative Findings. - * § 25.01. Legislative findings. The legislature finds and declares...
25.03 - Definitions. - * § 25.03. Definitions. As used in this article the...
25.05 - Ticket Speculators. - * § 25.05. Ticket speculators. Any person who: 1. Conducts...
25.06 - Resale of Tickets Issued at No Charge. - * § 25.06. Resale of tickets issued at no charge....
25.07 - Ticket Prices. - * § 25.07. Ticket prices. 1. Every operator of a...
25.08 - Additional Printing on Tickets. - * § 25.08. Additional printing on tickets. Every operator of...
25.09 - Ticket Speculators. - * § 25.09. Ticket speculators. 1. Any person who in...
25.10 - Ticket Resale Requirements. - (a) such licensee or other ticket reseller has the offered...
25.11 - Resales of Tickets Within Buffer Zone. - § 25.11. Resales of tickets within buffer zone. 1. No...
25.12 - Professional Sports Organization Membership Pass. - * § 25.12. Professional sports organization membership pass. Notwithstanding section...
25.13 - Licensing of Ticket Resellers. - * § 25.13. Licensing of ticket resellers. 1. No person,...
25.15 - Bond. - * § 25.15. Bond. The secretary of state shall require...
25.17 - Supervision and Regulation. - * § 25.17. Supervision and regulation. The secretary of state...
25.19 - Posting of License or Certificate. - * § 25.19. Posting of license or certificate. Immediately upon...
25.21 - Change of Office Location. - * § 25.21. Change of office location. In the event...
25.23 - Posting of Price Lists; Information to Purchaser. - * § 25.23. Posting of price lists; information to purchaser....
25.24 - Ticket Purchasing Software. - (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation...
25.25 - Records of Purchases and Sales. - * § 25.25. Records of purchases and sales. 1. Every...
25.27 - Commissions to Employees of Places of Entertainment. - * § 25.27. Commissions to employees of places of entertainment....
25.29 - Unlawful Charges in Connection With Tickets. - * § 25.29. Unlawful charges in connection with tickets. 1....
25.30 - Operator Prohibitions. - (a) restrict by any means the resale of any tickets...
25.31 - Suspension or Revocation of Licenses. - * § 25.31. Suspension or revocation of licenses. 1. Powers...
25.33 - Private Right of Action. - * § 25.33. Private right of action. Notwithstanding any right...
25.34 - Ticket Websites. - (a) "Ticket website" means an internet website advertising the sale...
25.35 - Criminal Penalties. - (b) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity, whether or...