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Article 19 - Public Entertainments or Exhibitions by Cinematograph or Any Other Apparatus for Projecting Moving Pictures
19.01 - Fireproof Booth for Cinematograph or Any Other Apparatus for Projecting Moving Pictures. - § 19.01. Fireproof booth for cinematograph or any other apparatus...
19.03 - Construction of Booth; Approval of Plans and Specifications. - § 19.03. Construction of booth; approval of plans and specifications....
19.05 - This Article Not Retroactive Under Certain Conditions. - § 19.05. This article not retroactive under certain conditions. Sections...
19.07 - Inspection; Certificate for Permanent Booths. - § 19.07. Inspection; certificate for permanent booths. After the construction...
19.09 - Portable Booth for Temporary Exhibitions. - § 19.09. Portable booth for temporary exhibitions. Where motion pictures...
19.11 - Exemption and Requirements for Miniature Cinematograph Machines. - § 19.11. Exemption and requirements for miniature cinematograph machines. The...
19.13 - Inspection; Certificate for Portable Booths and Miniature Cinematograph Machines. - § 19.13. Inspection; certificate for portable booths and miniature cinematograph...
19.15 - Penalty for Violating This Article. - § 19.15. Penalty for violating this article. The violation of...