(b) Before a correctional facility as defined in subdivision four of
section two of this chapter, may be closed for a reason other than those
set forth in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the provisions of
section seventy-nine-a of this chapter shall be adhered to.
10. Approve or reject plans and specifications for the construction or
improvement of correctional facilities that directly affect the health
of incarcerated individuals and staff, safety, or security.
12. Make an annual report to the governor and legislature concerning
its work and the work of the board and the council during the preceding
year, and such further interim reports to the governor, or to the
governor and legislature, as it shall deem advisable, or as shall be
required by the governor.
13. Accept, with the approval of the governor, as agent of the state
any grant, including federal grants, or any gift for any of the purposes
of this article. Any moneys so received may be expended by the
commission to effectuate any purpose of this article, subject to the
same limitations as to approval of expenditures and audit as are
prescribed for state moneys appropriated for the purposes of this
14. Enter into contracts with any person, firm, corporation,
municipality, or governmental agency.
15. Adopt, amend or rescind such rules and regulations as may be
necessary or convenient to the performance of the functions, powers and
duties of the commission.
16. Do all other things necessary or convenient to carry out its
functions, powers and duties expressly set forth in this article.
* 17. Make an annual report to the governor, the chairman of the
assembly committee on correction and the chairman of the senate
committee on crime victims, crime and correction concerning incarcerated
individuals confined in local correctional facilities pursuant to an
agreement authorized by section five hundred-o of this chapter. Such
report shall include but not be limited to the number of counties
maintaining such agreements and the number of incarcerated individuals
confined pursuant to such agreements.
* NB Repealed September 1, 2023
18. Assess compliance of local correctional facilities with the terms
of paragraphs (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n) and (o) of subdivision
six of section one hundred thirty-seven of this chapter. The commission
shall issue a public report regarding all aspects of segregated
confinement and residential rehabilitation units at least annually with
recommendations to local correctional facilities, the governor, the
legislature, including but not limited to policies and practices
regarding: (a) placement of persons; (b) special populations; (c) length
of time spent in segregated confinement and residential treatment units;
(d) hearings and procedures; (e) conditions, programs, services, care,
and treatment; and (f) assessments, rehabilitation plans, and discharge
19. Establish standards and guidelines for a program of medication
assisted treatment for incarcerated individuals in county jails and/or
county correctional facilities equivalent to the program established in
state correctional facilities pursuant to section six hundred twenty-six
of this chapter and submit an annual report consistent with the
requirements of subdivision three of such section.
Structure New York Laws
Article 3 - State Commission of Correction
41 - State Commission of Correction; Organization.
42 - Citizen's Policy and Complaint Review Council; Organization; Functions, Powers and Duties.
43 - Correction Medical Review Board; Organization.
45 - Functions, Powers and Duties of the Commission.
46 - Additional Functions, Powers and Duties of the Commission.