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Section 9-8-1 - Short title. - Chapter 9, Article 8 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 9-8-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Human Services Department Act: A. "department"...
Section 9-8-3 - Purpose. - The purpose of the Human Services Department Act is to...
Section 9-8-4 - Department established. - A. There is created in the executive branch the "human...
Section 9-8-5 - Secretary of human services; appointment. - A. The administrative head of the human services department is...
Section 9-8-6 - Secretary; duties and general powers. - A. The secretary is responsible to the governor for the...
Section 9-8-7 - Organizational units of department; powers and duties specified by law; access to information. - Those organizational units of the department and the officers of...
Section 9-8-7.1 - Behavioral health services division; powers and duties of the human services department. - Subject to appropriation, the department shall: A. contract for behavioral...
Section 9-8-7.2 - Cooperation with the New Mexico health insurance exchange. - The medical assistance division of the human services department shall...
Section 9-8-7.3 - Incarcerated individuals; behavioral health services; county funding program. - A. the secretary shall adopt and promulgate rules: (1) pursuant...
Section 9-8-7.4 - Incarcerated individuals; behavioral health services; county funding program. - To carry out the provisions of Subsection E of Section...
Section 9-8-8 - Administratively attached agencies. - The commission on the status of women is administratively attached...
Section 9-8-9 - Directors. - The secretary shall appoint with the approval of the governor...
Section 9-8-10 - Bureaus; chiefs. - The secretary shall establish, within each division, such bureaus as...
Section 9-8-11 - Advisory committees. - A. The governor shall appoint advisory committees to the department's...
Section 9-8-12 - Cooperation with the federal government; authority of secretary; single state agency status. - A. The department is authorized to cooperate with the federal...
Section 9-8-13 - Authority to conduct social services. - A. The social services division of the department has authority...
Section 9-8-14 - Responsibility; abuse or neglect. - Nothing contained in Sections 9-8-13 or 27-1-3 NMSA 1978 shall...