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Article 1 - Rural Infrastructure
Section 75-1-1 - Short title. - Chapter 75, Article 1 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 75-1-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Rural Infrastructure Act: A. "department" means...
Section 75-1-2.1 - Purpose of act. - The purpose of the Rural Infrastructure Act is to provide...
Section 75-1-3 - Fund created; administration; emergency fund. - A. A special fund is created to be known as...
Section 75-1-4 - Conditions for grants and loans. - A. Grants and loans shall be made only to local...
Section 75-1-5 - Emergency loans and grants. - Ten percent of the proceeds of each severance tax bond...
Section 75-1-6 - Average residential user cost reduction grants and zero percent loans. - A. No more than twenty-five percent of the proceeds of...
Article 2 - Water Research, Conservation and Development
Section 75-2-1 - Short title. - This act [75-2-1 to 75-2-5 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 75-2-2 - Purpose. - It is the purpose of the Water Research, Conservation and...
Section 75-2-3 - Special fund created. - There is created a special fund to be known as...
Section 75-2-4 - Interstate stream commission; additional powers and duties. - In addition to its other powers and duties, the interstate...
Section 75-2-5 - Acceptance of funds and donations. - The interstate stream commission may accept for the purposes of...
Article 3 - Weather Control and Cloud Modification
Section 75-3-1 - Short title. - This act [75-3-1 to 75-3-15 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 75-3-2 - Definition. - As used in the Weather Control Act, "commission" means the...
Section 75-3-3 - Declaration of rights. - It is declared that the state of New Mexico claims...
Section 75-3-4 - License required. - No person or corporation shall, without having first received a...
Section 75-3-5 - Application for license. - Any individual or corporation who proposes to operate weather control...
Section 75-3-6 - Annual license fee; statement. - At the time of applying for the license, the applicant...
Section 75-3-7 - Issuance of license. - The commission may issue a license to any applicant who...
Section 75-3-8 - License fee; expiration. - A license shall expire at the end of the calendar...
Section 75-3-9 - Reports required from licensees. - Each licensee shall, within ninety days after conclusion of any...
Section 75-3-10 - Revocation of license. - The commission shall revoke any license if it shall appear...
Section 75-3-11 - Judicial review. - Rulings by the commission on the issuance, refusal or revocation...
Section 75-3-12 - Operations affecting weather in other states. - Weather control or cloud modification operations may not be carried...
Section 75-3-13 - Enforcement. - Enforcement of the Weather Control Act is vested in the...
Section 75-3-14 - Powers and duties of commission. - The commission may: A. make all rules and regulations necessary...
Section 75-3-15 - Penalty. - Any person conducting weather control or cloud modification operations without...
Article 4 - State Climatologist
Section 75-4-1 - Office of state climatologist created; state climatologist. - The "office of state climatologist" is created within the New...
Section 75-4-2 - Office of state climatologist; purpose. - The purpose of the office of state climatologist is to...
Section 75-4-3 - State climatologist; duties. - The duties of the state climatologist shall include: A. assessing...
Section 75-4-4 - Agency cooperation. - In carrying out the responsibilities enumerated in Section 3 [75-4-3...
Article 5 - Natural Lands Protection
Section 75-5-1 - Short title. - Sections 1 through 6 [75-5-1 to 75-5-6 NMSA 1978] of...
Section 75-5-2 - Purpose. - The purpose of the Natural Lands Protection Act is the...
Section 75-5-3 - Definitions. - As used in the Natural Lands Protection Act: A. "committee"...
Section 75-5-4 - Administration of the act. - A. The Natural Lands Protection Act shall be administered by...
Section 75-5-5 - Management. - A. The purposes of management shall be for education, research...
Section 75-5-6 - Acquisition of lands. - No lands or rights of access will be acquired under...
Article 6 - Endangered Plants
Section 75-6-1 - Endangered plant species; definition; conservation; penalty protection; permits. - A. As used in this section, "endangered plant species" means...
Article 7 - Natural Resources Trustee
Section 75-7-1 - Short title. - Chapter 75, Article 7 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 75-7-2 - Natural resources trustee; office of natural resources trustee. - A. The "natural resources trustee" is created. The trustee is...
Section 75-7-3 - Natural resources trustee powers and duties. - A. The natural resources trustee shall take all actions necessary...
Section 75-7-4 - Natural resources damage; liability; awards for damages. - Awards for damage to natural resources in the state shall...
Section 75-7-5 - Natural resources trustee fund. - A. The "natural resources trustee fund" is created in the...
Article 8 - Wetlands Area Restoration
Section 75-8-2 - Conditions. - A. Any funds expended for the purpose of restoring native...
Article 9 - Land Conservation Incentives
Section 75-9-1 - Short title. - Sections 1 through 6 [75-9-1 to 75-9-6 NMSA 1978] of...
Section 75-9-2 - Purpose. - The purpose of the Land Conservation Incentives Act is to...
Section 75-9-3 - Definitions. - As used in the Land Conservation Incentives Act: A. "interest...
Section 75-9-4 - Administration. - A. The Land Conservation Incentives Act shall be administered by...
Section 75-9-5 - Applicability and limitations. - A. The tax credits provided by the Land Conservation Incentives...
Section 75-9-6 - Interpretation. - No part or segment of the Land Conservation Incentives Act...
Article 10 - Natural Heritage Conservation
Section 75-10-1 - Short title. - This act [75-10-1 to 75-10-9 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 75-10-2 - Purpose. - The purpose of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act is to...
Section 75-10-3 - Definitions. - As used in the Natural Heritage Conservation Act: A. "committee"...
Section 75-10-4 - Department; powers and duties. - A. The department may: (1) after consultation with landowners, conservationists...
Section 75-10-5 - Fund created; purpose; expenditures. - The "natural heritage conservation fund" is created as a nonreverting...
Section 75-10-6 - Conservation projects; procedures. - A. All conservation projects shall be maintained to protect the...
Section 75-10-7 - Conservation projects; public-private projects. - A. The department may acquire conservation or agricultural easements and...
Section 75-10-8 - Conservation projects; limitations. - The department may acquire or receive by gift or bequest...
Section 75-10-9 - Annual report to the governor and the legislature. - The department and the committee shall report annually to the...
Article 11 - Carlsbad Brine Well Remediation Authority
Section 75-11-1 - Carlsbad brine well remediation authority; created; membership; powers and duties. (Repealed effective July 1, 2026.) - A. The "Carlsbad brine well remediation authority" is created and...
Section 75-11-2 - Carlsbad brine well remediation fund; created; purpose; conditions. (Repealed effective July 1, 2026.) - A. The "Carlsbad brine well remediation fund" is created in...
Section 75-11-3 - Termination of agency life; delayed repeal. (Repealed effective July 1, 2026.) - The Carlsbad brine well remediation authority is terminated on July...