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Section 74-6A-1 - Short title. - Chapter 74, Article 6A NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 74-6A-2 - Purpose. - The purpose of the Wastewater Facility Construction Loan Act is...
Section 74-6A-3 - Definitions. - As used in the Wastewater Facility Construction Loan Act: A....
Section 74-6A-4 - Wastewater facility construction loan fund created; administration. - A. There is created in the state treasury a revolving...
Section 74-6A-4.1 - Clean water administrative fund; created; use. - A. The "clean water administrative fund" is created in the...
Section 74-6A-6 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1991, ch. 172, § 14 repealed 74-6A-5...
Section 74-6A-7 - Loan program; administration. - A. The division shall establish a program to provide financial...
Section 74-6A-8 - Financial assistance; criteria. - A. Financial assistance shall be provided only to qualified borrowers...
Section 74-6A-9 - Commission; powers. - A. In administering the Wastewater Facility Construction Loan Act, the...
Section 74-6A-10 - Board; duties and powers. - A. The board may issue bonds or refunding bonds pursuant...
Section 74-6A-11 - Wastewater suspense account created. - A. There is created in the state treasury a fund...
Section 74-6A-12 - Commission bonds. - A. The board, upon recommendation from the commission, may issue...
Section 74-6A-13 - Agreement of the state not to limit or alter rights of obligees. - The state hereby pledges to and agrees with the holders...
Section 74-6A-14 - Validation. - All outstanding securities of the state and of all qualified...
Section 74-6A-15 - Water quality control commission; instrumentality. - The water quality control commission shall be an instrumentality of...