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Section 72-1-1 - Natural waters; public. - All natural waters flowing in streams and watercourses, whether such...
Section 72-1-2 - [Water rights; appurtenant to land; priorities.] - Beneficial use shall be the basis, the measure and the...
Section 72-1-2.1 - Water rights; change in ownership; filing and recording; constructive notice. - In the event of any changes of ownership of a...
Section 72-1-2.2 - Legislative findings; declaration of purpose. - A. The legislature hereby finds and declares that there exists...
Section 72-1-2.3 - Lower Pecos river basin below Sumner lake water bank; acequia and community ditch water banks; interstate stream commission. - A. The interstate stream commission may recognize a water bank...
Section 72-1-2.4 - Pecos river; purpose; conditions for expenditures. - A. The purpose of this section is to achieve compliance...
Section 72-1-2.5 - Pecos river basin land management fund. - The "Pecos river basin land management fund" is created in...
Section 72-1-2.6 - Pecos river; purchase of additional water rights. - A. In addition to the land with appurtenant water rights...
Section 72-1-3 - Declaration of water rights vested prior to 1907; form; contents; verification; filing; recording; presumption. - Any person, firm or corporation claiming to be an owner...
Section 72-1-4 - [Declaration of water rights vested prior to 1907; force and effect of prior declarations.] - Declarations heretofore filed in substantial compliance with Section 1 [72-1-3...
Section 72-1-5 - Eminent domain; entry on property. - The United States, the state or any person, firm, association...
Section 72-1-6 - [Traveler's use of water.] - All currents and sources of water, such as springs, rivers,...
Section 72-1-7 - [Interfering with traveler's use of water; penalty.] - Hereafter, if any person or persons, shall embarrass, hinder and...
Section 72-1-8 - Camping, trailer, recreational or motor vehicle parking prohibited. - It is unlawful for a person to camp, or to...
Section 72-1-9 - Municipal, county, member-owned community water systems, school district and state university water development plans; preservation of municipal, county and state university water supplies. - A. It is recognized by the state that it promotes...
Section 72-1-10 - Water utility authority; created; membership; administration of utility. - A. The "Albuquerque-Bernalillo county water utility authority" is created. The...
Section 72-1-11 - Indian water rights settlements; approval of settlements; reports. - A. Upon congressional authorization of funding of the federal government's...
Section 72-1-12 - Indian water rights settlement fund. - The "Indian water rights settlement fund" is created in the...