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Section 67-5-1 - [County bridges, township and section lines are parts of public highways; width.] - County bridges are parts of public highways and must not...
Section 67-5-2 - [Width of public highways.] - All public highways laid out in this state shall be...
Section 67-5-3 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1991, ch. 249, § 1 repeals 67-5-3...
Section 67-5-4 - [Discontinuance; procedure; viewers; county-line roads.] - Whenever, in the opinion of the board of county commissioners...
Section 67-5-5 - [Alteration or establishment; petition; contents.] - The board of county commissioners may alter, widen or change...
Section 67-5-6 - Establish rights-of-way. - The board of county commissioners, in their respective counties, may...
Section 67-5-7 - [Petitioners' deposit or bond covering viewing expense.] - The petitioners shall deposit with the county clerk of the...
Section 67-5-8 - [Proposed county-line roads; petitions; viewers; opening and maintaining.] - If any proposed highway be on the county line between...
Section 67-5-9 - [Viewers for proposed alteration or establishment; appointment; notice of time and place for viewing; posting.] - It shall be the duty of the board of county...
Section 67-5-10 - [Warrants to viewers; contents.] - The county clerk shall issue a warrant directed to the...
Section 67-5-11 - [Service of warrants; return; refusal of viewer to serve; forfeiture.] - The sheriff of the proper county shall serve the warrant...
Section 67-5-12 - Laying out road; assessment for damages; survey. - The viewers shall meet at the time and place specified...
Section 67-5-13 - [Replacing road viewers.] - If any viewer duly appointed and served with warrant refuses...
Section 67-5-14 - [Report of viewers; contents; compensation.] - The viewers shall file a report of the view in...
Section 67-5-15 - [Consideration of viewer's report by county commissioners; additional data.] - The board of county commissioners at their next regular meeting,...
Section 67-5-16 - [Approval of road opening; recording viewers' report.] - If the board of county commissioners determine [determines] to open...
Section 67-5-17 - [Notice of road opening; prerequisites; posting.] - The board of county commissioners having considered the report of...
Section 67-5-18 - [Damages exceeding benefits; persons under disability.] - If the damages assessed to any person or persons by...
Section 67-5-19 - [Determination of damages on appeal to district court.] - If any person or persons be of the opinion that...
Section 67-5-20 - [Establishment on petition of all owners.] - Whenever a petition shall be presented to the board of...
Section 67-5-21 - [Private roads; procedure for establishment.] - The matter of laying out any private wagon road from...