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Section 59A-23G-1 - Short title. - Sections 1 through 6 [59A-23G-1 to 59A-23G-7 NMSA 1978] of...
Section 59A-23G-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Short-Term Health Plan and Excepted Benefit...
Section 59A-23G-3 - Short-term plans; excepted benefits; standards for policy provisions. - A. The superintendent shall adopt and promulgate rules to establish...
Section 59A-23G-4 - Benefits; minimum standards. - A. The superintendent shall adopt and promulgate rules to establish...
Section 59A-23G-5 - Rates; medical loss ratios. - The superintendent shall adopt and promulgate rules to establish standards...
Section 59A-23G-6 - Prohibition; association, trust or multiple employer welfare arrangement plans. - No insurer shall issue, and no association, trust or multiple...
Section 59A-23G-7 - Exclusion prohibition not applicable to excepted benefit plans or policies. - A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, an excepted benefits...