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Section 59A-20-1 - Scope of article. - This article [Chapter 59A, Article 20 NMSA 1978] applies only...
Section 59A-20-2 - "Annuity", "industrial life insurance" defined. - For the purposes of the Insurance Code: A. an "annuity"...
Section 59A-20-3 - Standard provisions required. - A. No insurer shall deliver or issue for delivery in...
Section 59A-20-4 - Grace period. - There shall be a provision that a grace period of...
Section 59A-20-5 - Incontestability. - There shall be a provision that the policy (exclusive of...
Section 59A-20-6 - Entire contract. - There shall be a provision that the policy, or the...
Section 59A-20-7 - Misstatement of age. - There shall be a provision that if the age of...
Section 59A-20-8 - Dividends, participating policies. - A. There shall be a provision in participating policies that,...
Section 59A-20-9 - Policy loans. - A. There shall be a provision that after three (3)...
Section 59A-20-10 - Policy loan interest rates. - A. For purposes of this section the "published monthly average"...
Section 59A-20-11 - Table of installments. - If the policy provides that the proceeds may be payable...
Section 59A-20-12 - Reinstatement. - There shall be a provision that unless: A. the policy...
Section 59A-20-13 - Premium. - There shall be a provision stating the amount of premium...
Section 59A-20-14 - Payment of claims. - There shall be a provision that when a policy shall...
Section 59A-20-15 - Beneficiary, industrial policies. - An industrial life insurance policy shall have the name of...
Section 59A-20-16 - Incontestability; excluded or restricted coverage; after reinstatement. - A. A clause in any life insurance policy providing that...
Section 59A-20-17 - Standard provisions, annuity and pure endowment contracts. - A. No annuity or pure endowment contract, other than a...
Section 59A-20-18 - Annuities, grace period. - In an annuity or pure endowment contract, other than a...
Section 59A-20-19 - Annuities, incontestability. - If any statements other than those relating to age, sex...
Section 59A-20-20 - Annuities, entire contract. - In an annuity or pure endowment contract, other than a...
Section 59A-20-21 - Annuities, misstatement of age or sex. - In an annuity or pure endowment contract, other than a...
Section 59A-20-22 - Annuities, dividends. - If an annuity or pure endowment contract, other than a...
Section 59A-20-23 - Annuities, reinstatement. - In any annuity or pure endowment contract, other than a...
Section 59A-20-24 - Standard provisions; reversionary annuities. - A. Except as stated in this section, no contract for...
Section 59A-20-25 - Limitation of liability. - A. No policy of life insurance shall be delivered or...
Section 59A-20-26 - Prohibited provisions. - A. No life insurance policy shall be delivered or issued...
Section 59A-20-27 - Provisions required by other jurisdictions. - A. The policies of a foreign life insurer may contain...
Section 59A-20-28 - Special requirements as to participating policies. - Beginning as of January 1, 1964: A. no life insurer...
Section 59A-20-29 - Prohibited policy plans. - A. No life insurer shall deliver or issue for delivery...
Section 59A-20-30 - Variable contract law. - A. A domestic life insurer may establish one or more...
Section 59A-20-31 - Standard Nonforfeiture Law; life insurance. - A. In the case of policies issued on and after...
Section 59A-20-32 - Nonforfeiture benefits, cash surrender values; life policies issued prior to operative date of 1943 Standard Nonforfeiture Law. - A. This section shall apply only to those life insurance...
Section 59A-20-33 - Standard nonforfeiture law; individual deferred annuities. - A. This section shall not apply to any reinsurance, group...
Section 59A-20-34 to 59A-20-36 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1999, ch. 246, § 12 repealed 59A-20-34...